
Feb, 21 2024

Healthcare Medical Devices: Making it to Mainstream

With digitalization overpowering every aspect of our lives, it has also occupied the medical field. It is slowly occupying every bit of the medical field. The varied range of medical technologies used in clinical and non-clinical environments runs the complete scenario in complexity, starting from simple equipment used for first aid to high-end devices, then using it for delivering advanced medical treatment, and in size from tiny wireless devices to massive machines. There are many medical devices that have been used in the home over the years. In contrast, there are some of the devices that are just beginning to migrate to that end, and in addition to this, there are innovative technologies that present new opportunities for health care management in the home.

Medical devices play a significant role in everyday life. Medical devices are used in many diverse settings, such as by paramedical staff and clinicians in remote clinics, laypersons at home, opticians, and dentists, for prevention and screening in palliative care, and by healthcare professionals in advanced medical facilities. These health technologies are used to diagnose illness, monitor treatments, assist disabled people, and treat chronic and acute illnesses. The factors for a successful healthcare delivery depend on heath technologies and the availability of medical personnel. Medical devices are an essential aspect of the healthcare delivery system. They aid in assisting the health service providers with the necessary tools making sure that they perform their job effectively.

What is a Medical Device?

A medical device can be any instrument, tool, apparatus, machine, implant, appliance, and reagent for in vitro use, material, software, or other similar or related article, with the aim to be used, alone or in combination for a medical purpose. Wearable medical technology in healthcare includes electronic devices such as Fitbits and smartwatches. They are designed to collect the data of users' personal health and exercise. Another specialty of these devices is that they even can send a user's health information to a doctor or other healthcare professional in real-time. With the use of these wearable devices, the demand for wearables is expected to jump in the next few years as more and more consumers are showing interest in sharing their wearable devices with their providers and insurers.

Global Statistics of Wearable Device Companies

There have been many wearable device companies launched, and with the rising use of these devices worldwide, companies are getting kicked up to develop more such products. According to the Global Data Report 2022, there are around 46,000 devices across 100 countries, which includes over 25,000 pipeline products and over 46,000 marketed products.

The below statistics shows the prevalence of the companies launching wearable medical devices.

Healthcare Medical Devices: Making it to Mainstream

Market Trend for Wearable Medical Devices

The rising numbers of wearable medical devices and increasing smartphone adoption are expected to boost the market growth. The possible restraints of the market include the extent to which clinicians, health care organizations, and patients are willing to deploy IoMT solutions and a lack of governance standards. The market size for wearable medical devices such as stationary medical devices, implanted medical devices, and wearable external medical devices was USD 14.9 billion in 2017 and is expected to rise high to USD 52.2 billion in 2022. The current and forecast estimated market value for wearable medical devices vary significantly.

Healthcare Medical Devices: Making it to Mainstream

Several market research companies have done several segmentation with regards to wearable healthcare technology. One such segmentation categorizes connected medical devices into three sections:

Healthcare Medical Devices: Making it to Mainstream

Importance of Medical Device Manufacturers

Medical devices are primary in bridging the patients with doctors with better screening, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. In addition to this, restoration and monitoring of health indicators is also provided to boost prevention. The sole responsibility of medical device manufacturers should be on improving quality of care and life expectancy, and it also needs to increase the affordability of devices so that the impact is larger.

Testing and Diagnosis – Technology has come a long way and improved the complexity and accuracy of screening. These portable devices improved diagnostic techniques at the primary healthcare level and improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction. It has also improved the access to quality healthcare in remote and underrated regions, thus making it feasible for patients to get treatment outside-of-the-box through conventional healthcare facilities.

Treatment and Care – Advances in technological devices have brought huge success in the healthcare industry. Advanced surgical equipment has enabled doctors to treat highly complex cases and reduce the length of prolonged hospital stays. Elective and complex surgeries such as knee replacement, pain management, and bariatric surgery are performed very well and moved to short stay or outpatient surgery centers. For instance, laparoscopic surgery procedures improve patient outcomes, help to reduce length of hospital stays as well as huge costs of treatment.

Restoration – Rehabilitation centers and hospitals are making it smooth for patients to get back to a normal life with the help of advanced rehabilitative and assistive devices. The technological advancements associated with rehabilitative technology has also allowed disabled people to lead productive lives and fulfill their dreams.

Monitoring – Several health screening devices have enabled patients to monitor their health while at home to keep a close track of all major health indicators. In addition to this, smart devices are being used to monitor patients remotely and diagnose the conditions early so that the hospital visits are reduced and as a result, the pressure on the over-burdened healthcare centres is also reduced.

Is remote patient monitoring been easing the burden on the COVID-associated healthcare system?

As the COVID-19 pandemic began; there have been many obstacles associated with regular follow-ups and patient visits. In regards to this, telemedicine played a significant role in easing out the process and with it, ways opened up for the improvement to deal with the regular care of the patient during the pandemic hence minimizing the number of patients frequenting providers.

Although there are certain issues that telehealth cannot deal with single-handedly, especially with chronic patients. They must be tracked closely and frequently to keep their condition from worsening. Many times in a while, there are certain instances wherein the patient do not maintain regular appointments and check-ins. As a result, their condition could easily reach a point where they will need to visit the hospital or emergency room. In this situation, telemedicine plays a significant role in balancing out the scenario. For instance, in case of a diabetic patient, with the use of real-time monitoring, one can view the blood glucose levels of the patient and can be monitored along with the heart rhythm abnormalities.

If the practitioner is aware of the problem, and the patient can be monitored, you can decide the suitable course of action before any kind of emergency the patient faces or is in need of. A significant level of communication is needed in this kind of intense situation such as COVID-19 and telemedicine bridges a gap between the two ends- patients and doctors.

Remote patient monitoring serves as a big boost in collecting data from chronic patients remotely, without the need for them to visit the healthcare centers frequently, thus easing the burden on the system while reducing patient risk

Studies have shown that remote patient monitoring significantly reduces patient readmissions and emergency room visits. This is essential when staff is already overwhelmed, and it also helps reduce the risk of exposure for them. It is used to discharge COVID patients faster only once they are stabilized and monitored by using devices like pulse oximeters which help to monitor them remotely and promote home-based self-isolation. These programs provide high satisfaction rates for providers and patients are very high. Many research studies on their effectiveness also revealed a high impact on improving recovery and preventing hospital admissions. This has helped healthcare professionals become more comfortable with using remote patient monitoring in other areas of their clinical practice. The FDA issued a remote patient monitoring enforcement policy in 2020, considering that the hospitalization rates are currently at the highest they've been; hence the need is still there.

Our DBMR team has investigated the COVID-19 infection market and witnessed North America dominating the COVID-19 infection market because of the presence of key manufacturers of the product and established regulatory framework in this region. Additionally, high demand of diseases specific treatments and the surging adoption of newer technologies will further propel the market's growth rate in this region. Asia-Pacific is expected to grow during the forecast period due to increased government awareness programs and rising healthcare expenditure in this region. Also, the growing number of generic drug manufacturers will further cushion the market's growth rate in this region.

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Rising Adaptation of Medical Devices into the Home

The medical system is under pressure to deliver more outpatient care due to rising expenses of healthcare services and hospital stays, as well as a lack of facilities, nurses, and other qualified workers. As a result, the variety and complexity of medical devices being utilized by various user populations outside of official healthcare organizations are growing. Even sophisticated technologies, ventilators, infusion pumps, and dialysis machines, are frequentlyutilized outside of a hospital or clinic by laypeople, despite the fact that many of these products were not intended for and weren't labeled for this usage. A small number of laws restricts the usage of these gadgets in the home.

One of the problems associated with medical devices used in the home is that they are often not the same model used in a formal medical environment. The device may be out of date or poor quality, and professionals who come into contact with the device at home or who bring the device to a clinic or hospital may not be familiar with the device. Susan Morris, Vice President of Government for Kinetic Concepts, said on behalf of AdvaMed: What was used at the facility may be replaced with a new one. Medical professionals may send people home with medical equipment, but consumers may hand over or resell the equipment to others, for instance, via the Craigslist or eBay internet. Devices purchased this way are much less likely to be suitable for the end user, properly operated or maintained, or come with a complete description.

Innovative and Future of wearable technologies in home healthcare

Telemedicine (health care made possible by communication technology) is beginning to change the landscape of homecare and is promised significant growth over the next few years. Today, simple technologies (email, internet, mobile phones, etc.) can be used to monitor people's health remotely. High-resolution visual images and audio can be sent over a telephone line or broadband connection. Over the next few years, remote monitoring will increase dramatically, including more types of appliances.

Technologies such as wireless electronics and digital processing support communication between various devices and remote healthcare providers. Some wireless devices, especially gauges and monitors, are portable, allowing constant monitoring or making periodic testing more convenient. Future technological advances will bring new devices, such as improved pacemakers, cochlear implants, and medicine delivery systems. Miniaturization of various components, including microprocessors and nanotechnology, will make possible advances to many types of medical devices used inside and outside formal health care settings.

Our DBMR team investigated the Global Cochlear Implants Market and witnessed that the cochlear implants market is expected to grow at a rate of 9.58% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. The rise in the burden of hearing impairment among the population across the globe acts as one of the major factors driving the growth of cochlear implants market. Europe dominates cochlear implants market due to the higher awareness about hearing aids, their availability, and access to advanced centers for rehabilitation after surgery within the region. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period of 2021-2028 due to rapid urbanization in developing countries.

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Some of the devices envisioned will be embedded in common household objects, such as a bio sensing chip in a toothbrush that will check blood sugar and bacteria levels; smart bandages made of fiber that will detect bacteria or a virus in a wound and then recommend appropriate treatment; smart T-shirts that will monitor the wearer's vital signs in real-time; and heads-up displays for glasses that use pattern recognition software to help people remember human faces, inanimate objects, or other data. Novel handheld devices may provide new capabilities for home health care, such as skin surface mapping, an imaging technology that will track changes in moles to detect malignancies; biosensors that will perform as portable laboratories; and alternative input devices such as eye blinks (electromyography) or brain activity (electroencephalography) that will facilitate hands-free device control, which will be especially useful for people with limited use of their hands.

Our DBMR team investigated the biosensors market and witnessed that COVID-19 has a significant impact on the biosensors market. Numerous companies were allowed to resume factory operations but at a limited capacity that used biosensors after the pandemic. North America dominates the biosensors market because of the rise in awareness about the demand for quality water for consumption and industrial purposes within the region. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period of 2022 to 2029 because of the d government initiatives in the region.

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User Issues for Home Healthcare Devices

The characteristics of people who use medical devices at home are not well known to many medical device developers. In fact, some designers don't even understand the needs of "average" users, and home device users often have skills that are significantly different from the average. Individuals being cared for at home, in particular, due to the conditions requiring home care,  may experience reduced physical fitness or endurance (such as the effects of medication), or a combination of these conditions. Illness, medications, and stress can add to the severity of existing restrictions on a user's physical, perceptual, and cognitive function. It is important to recognize that even amateur users can be affected by their emotional states. Emotional states can be caused or exacerbated by the news that you and your loved ones are seriously ill. They can be overwhelmed by new terms and significant responsibilities related to homecare and this his includes recognizing potential harm to the device, loved ones, or yourself if you make a mistake. Instructions can be confusing, and users may have little preparation for the tasks they need to perform and may lack personal or organizational support.

Our DBMR team investigated the Global Wireless Health and Fitness Devices Market and witnessed that the wireless health and fitness devices market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 12.3% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. North America dominates the wireless health and fitness devices market because of the rise in prevalence of diabetes and other chronic diseases and growing awareness about health education. Asia-Pacific is estimated to witness the fastest growth in the forecast period of 2021-2028 due to the region's huge obese population and surge in healthcare expenditure.

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 People who use medical devices at home, regardless of their abilities, need to be able to use the devices safely and effectively without making unintended errors that could endanger the health of the person being treated. This requirement impacts medical device design, user education programs, and ongoing support. Suppose the human factor requirements of a medical device exceed the user's capacity. In that case, the device may be too overloaded to handle and the person receiving homecare may be forced to move to a care facility or nursing home. The FDA's Device and Radiation Health Center collects data on incidents of adverse events related to medical devices. One of the FDA's databases is the Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun),  which currently has more than 350 healthcare facilities (mainly hospitals) participating and sending reports over the internet. The database has several subnetworks focused on specific clinical areas, such as HomeNet, which focuses on medical devices used in the home environment (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2009b).

Another FDA database collects reports from manufacturers and healthcare professionals in the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database. The data includes all voluntary adverse event reports since June 1993, user facility reports since 1991, distributor reports since 1993, and manufacturer reports since August 1996. (Facilities used are defined as outpatient and outpatient care facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, homecare and hospice care.)

Our DBMR team has investigated the Global Disposable Medical Devices Sensors Market and witnessed the increase in partnership between government and profit organizations for the development of technical, financial and operational aspects of the healthcare industry such as the delivery of better health care services to broader areas and advancement of medical supplies and equipment. North America dominates the disposable medical devices sensors market because of the advanced technological and innovative services and products and the increase in investment and funding by the government and private organizations for the research and development activities in the region. Asia-Pacific is estimated to grow in the forecast period of 2021-2028 due to the increase in scientific research projects, emergence of new healthcare forms and growth in disposable income in the region.

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Types of Wearable Health Devices

  • Fitness Trackers

Some of the easiest and most common forms of wearable technology are the wearable fitness trackers, which are equipped with sensors to track the physical activity and heart rate of the population. They provide basic information of the calorie burnout, steps covered, diet intake, and health and fitness recommendations by syncing with the various smartphone apps. For instance, the FitBit Flex was the most popular option for wearable technology consumers. With its innovative light detector, people are attracted to its cool appearance and ability to track their progress throughout the day.

  • Health Smartwatches

With each decade, people are getting increasingly prone to poor health conditions due to unhealthy conditions, poor diet and much stress and anxiety. Consequently, they are drifting towards strict diet and lifestyle conditions. In this regard, smartwatches are developed to keep a tab on the health conditions. For instance, Apple's Series 7 model presents a blood oxygen saturation monitor, native sleep-tracking capabilities, a quicker FDA-approved electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor, latest updated heart health monitoring, and fall detection which will automatically dial to 911 if by any chance, the device is not worn by the wearer.

  • ECG Monitors

Wearable ECG monitors are on the edge of consumer electronics, and their ability to measure electrocardiograms sets these types of monitors apart from other smartwatches. For instance, the Move ECG can measure an ECG, detect atrial fibrillation, and send the reading to the wearer's physician. Apart from this, it can also track pace, distance, and elevation, as well as automatic tracking for running, walking, swimming, and biking.

  • Biosensors

Biosensors are the upcoming wearable medical devices that are vastly different from wrist trackers and smartwatches. For instance, Philips' wearable biosensor allows the patients to move around while collecting data on their movement, respiratory rate, heart rate, and temperature. Augusta University Medical Center has done research, and it witnessed that this wearable device signatures an 89% reduction in the health of the patient deterioration towards a preventable cardiac or respiratory arrest. This shows that the wearables improve patient outcomes and possibly minimize the workload of the staff members.

  • Blood Pressure Monitors

The changes in blood pressure are the most problematic aspect of today's generation due to several factors. For this, wearable devices bring a lot of changes to the population. For instance, Omron Healthcare launched HeartGuide back in 2019, and it is the first wearable blood pressure monitor. HeartGuide is an oscillometric blood pressure monitor that can measure blood pressure and daily activity, including steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burned. This device, HeartGuide can take up to 100 readings in memory and all readings can be shifted to a corresponding mobile app called HeartAdvisor for comparison, review, and treatment optimization. The users handling this device or app can track, store, and share their data with their respective doctors while also gaining insights of their personal health by their own as well. It's a great boon to the highly prone cardiac patients.


Medical devices are occupying a major part of the healthcare sector. It is serving as a great boon for the healthcare professionals and patients as well. For better and balanced regulation of medical devices, all manufacturers should participate in the process, which includes the industry, researchers, patients, and payers. For medical technology, standards and regulations are required to ensure safety, protect patients and assure that the products are fit for purpose. Although, regarding the novel and personal medical technologies, the present approach to regulation is tough and difficult to regulate and works against health care innovation. The big and small companies are also witnessing benefits by launching and providing wearable healthcare technology to their employees. As per the reports of Insider Intelligence, a healthier corporate culture is shown to minimize employee turnover. Those employers offering five or more well-being 'best practices' witnessed an average turnover of 18%, then 29% for those offering two or even fewer. With a changing economic and regulatory environment, the wearable health device sector is set to rise in the future, and there are a range of factors fueling it. It’s been witnessed that non-communicable diseases are estimated to cause around 75% of deaths in the country by 2025, followed by an increasing number of patients who have diabetes, heart disease and COPD. The elderly population is also set to rise high, and would require a growing need of quality healthcare and medical devices, both at healthcare facilities and homes.

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