“Increasing Shift towards Sustainable and Plant-Based Ingredients”
A significant trend in the natural ferulic acid market is the increasing shift towards sustainable and plant-based ingredients in personal care and cosmetic products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their choices, driving demand for eco-friendly and naturally sourced components. Natural ferulic acid, known for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties, fits perfectly into this trend, offering effective skin protection without synthetic additives. For instance, leading cosmetic brands such as The Ordinary and La Roche-Posay incorporate natural ferulic acid into their serums to enhance skin health and prevent premature aging. In addition, advancements in sustainable extraction methods from rice bran and other plant sources have made ferulic acid more widely available and affordable. This shift towards greener formulations is expanding the application of ferulic acid in skincare and in dietary supplements, further boosting its market presence and growth.