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Source: PNAS
Marine protected area is an area of seas, oceans which are highly protected. These marine areas can come in many forms ranging from wildlife species to research facilities and the research is so appropriate that it gives an approximation of marine species existence and extinction. Human activity is restricted by marine protected authority for the purpose of conservation which eventually protects natural or cultural resources and helps to save our species so that the cycle of ecosystem runs very frequently and appropriate. Such marine resources are protected by local, state, territorial, native, regional, national, or international authorities and differ substantially among and between nations and they are also differ by the policies practiced by particular region or country. The variation includes different limitation on development, fishing practices, fishing seasons and catch limits. The waste that is been spread by tourist near coast area results in polluting land very badly and also disturbs the ecosystem with inappropriate behavior and irresponsible nature towards environment. The variation includes different limitations on development, fishing practices, fishing seasons and catch limits, moorings and bans on removing or disrupting marine life and these practices should be ban very quick so as to get a proper cycle of aqua species.
MPA also provide a huge amount of revenue for countries which is potentially equal to income that they would have If they were to grant companies permission for fishing in their own way to make it easier to go any part of the ocean because a good quality of fish is not found at shore so they have to move and travel but this movement need permission from different authorities like local governing body and coast authority. On 28 October 2016, in Hobart, Australia there was an agreement to establish a great authority which is going to be a game changer for the marine life as they are establishing the first Antarctic and largest marine protected area in the world which is never seen before talking about the area of the land i.e. 1.55 million km square in the Ross sea. This is a very great initiative but needs a lot of effort like investment from big organization and etc. The other large MPA are in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, also in certain exclusive economic zones of Australia and overseas territories of France, United States and United Kingdom. The land area is very big because the marine protected area is a place which carries great opportunity with it like a lot of employment and awareness. The rate of employment is so much high that our country suffers a lot so there is also an advantage for setting up this project is that it carries a great wave job with it.
When counted with MPA of all size from any other countries as of august 2016 there are more than 13650 MPA encompassing 2.07% of the world’s ocean with half of that area. The definition is intended to make it more difficult to claim MPA status for regions where exploitation of marine resources occurs. If there is no defined long term goal for conservation and ecological recovery and extraction of marine resources occur, a region is not a marine protected area, if you are doing something then that must have a rock conclusion and a long term goal. There are some regions on which it is impossible to build a MPA but with emerging technology and advance machinery we will make it possible someday. Any area of the intertidal terrain together with its overlying water and associated flora and fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment. In the coming days we need to maintain a balance lifestyle of ecosystem because it is seen that number of fishes are increasing day by day and so as the world water is populating at a very quick. If this trend keeps continuing then it may be harmful for coming generation to recover this, a lot of government treasure is needed so it can stop the inflow of economy and people will starve.