
Nov, 28 2022

Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa Bag Valve Masks Market

Bag-valve-mask (BVM) inflates resuscitation systems, an essential emergency apparatus. These masks provide ventilator support to apnoeic patients or those with an insufficient respiratory effort to enhance oxygenation, such as cardio-respiratory arrest, respiratory arrest, or who have ineffective respiratory effort. The flow restrictor should be engaged to avoid over-ventilation. This can be disengaged if the patient requires higher tidal volumes. Thus, the proper pressure and volume of oxygen are maintained.

Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa bag valve masks market is expected to witness its worth around USD 2,539.66 million in 2022 due to an increase in the number of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease population, a growing geriatric population that leads to the prevalence of pulmonary diseases such as cardiac arrest, heart problems, and other age-related diseases, rising prevalence of asthmatic cases, favorable medical devices regulations among others.

Self-inflating bag valve masks are hand-held devices used to provide positive pressure ventilation to patients who cannot breathe independently. The material used for the bag portion of a self-inflating manual bag valve mask will automatically re-expand on its own in between breaths. These devices can be used in connection with an oxygen source or alone. Flow-inflating bags are specialized bags of bag valve masks with a flaccid bag portion that does not re-inflate on its own and hence requires an external flow source of pressurized inflation gas for the bag to inflate. The provider can manually squeeze the bag once inflated.

There are two types of acute and chronic respiratory failure, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Hypoxemic respiratory failure includes the deficiency of oxygen in blood with normal carbon dioxide, whereas Hypercapnia respiratory failure includes higher carbon dioxide in the blood with normal or less oxygen. These chronic respiratory failures are treated with a breathing machine, which pumps oxygen through the mouth or nose of patients.

For instance,

  • According to World Health Organization, chronic disease prevalence is expected to rise by 57% by 2020
  • According to the American Thoracic Society, approx. Sixteen million people were diagnosed with COPD in 2017. Additionally, these diseases will be the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. heart diseases
  • According to the National Centre of Biotechnology information, there is an estimation that one in three people will suffer from multiple chronic disorders
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2015, in the U.S., the total number of the emergency department visit with chronic diseases chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was 7,251 (575), Congestive heart failure 4,413 (349), Hypertension 32,370 (2,209) per thousand patients

Below the table shows the fact related to respiratory diseases in 2019:





Ten million are suffering from tuberculosis, and 1.6 million people die yearly.

Lung Cancer

Each year 1.76 million people die from lung cancer.


Three hundred thirty-four million people have asthma; It affects 14% of children globally.

Source: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

The rising number of chronic diseases and companies' initiatives towards the awareness of COPD, pneumonia, and different bag valve masks offered by the various companies will stimulate the market's growth in the forecast period.

The major impact of COVID-19 on Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa Bag Valve Masks Market

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed several opportunities within the bag valve masks market because of its efficacy in its application. The emergence of COVID-19 set some significant operational changes in how the devices are manufactured and supplied. With the increase in the incidence of covid-19 itself and existing infectious diseases, the demand for manual resuscitators increased faster as patients suffering from respiratory distress. Due to higher demand, the availability of the devices is greatly affected.

The rising cases of COVID-19 patients and the growing geriatric population, which are more susceptible to infection, thus increased the demand for manual resuscitators to a great extent. The increased healthcare expenditure and government support and initiatives have increased the demand for manual resuscitators.

The bag valve masks are used to provide positive pressure ventilation to inflate the lungs of patients who are not able to breathe and thus, the rising cases of patients with cardiac arrest, rising prevalence of chronic diseases, and growing geriatric population which are easily susceptible to diseases are acting as drivers for the market. The increased healthcare expenditure and government support and initiatives have increased the demand for bag valve masks.

Even though the demand for devices was high, their availability was affected due to disruptions in the supply chain, trade, and travel restrictions. Supply of raw materials was also affected, due to which the devices' production was restricted. Bottlenecks in the supply were foreseen due to limited production. Still, some companies overcame the challenges and saw high growth with government support as the demand for these devices was high.

Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa Bag Valve Masks Market, DROC Analysis

Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa Bag Valve Masks Market

Source: DBMR Analysis



A chronic inflammatory lung disease that produces obstructed breathing from the lungs is a chronic obstructive lung disease. COPD signs include trouble coughing, wheezing, coughing, and the formation of mucus caused by long-term exposure to unpleasant gases such as tobacco smoke.

Although COPD is a progressive disease that gets worse over time but is treatable, with the increase in cases of COPD, the demand for manual resuscitators is expected to increase as it provides artificial respiration to assist patients who cannot breathe independently.

For Instance,

  • According to the CDC, COPD is a leading cause of death in the United States and affects 16 million people
  • According to Global Burden of Disease Study reports, in 2016, there was prevalence of 251 million cases of COPD globally
  • According to World Health Organization, 90% of COPD deaths occur in low­ and middle-income countries
  • According to World Health Organization, in 2015, it was estimated that COPD caused 3.17 million deaths
  • According to World Health Organization, 65 million people have moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worldwide

Hence, the COPD population increase is expected to drive the demand for bag valve masks market growth.


With the growing geriatric population, the prevalence of pulmonary diseases such as cardiac arrest, heart problems, and other age-related diseases is also increasing. The elderly population brings a greater chance of health issues, and the rapid growth in the geriatric population is more prone to various respiratory disorders.

The older population is more prone to diseases; therefore, there is a strong correlation between age and the rising cases of cardiac arrest. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information study, the use of ventilators in ICU is more often in elderly patients (64%) compared to younger patients (47%), due to which increasing anti-aging population is boosting the demand of the market.

Some of the statistics related to the geriatric population are:

  • According to NCBI, the incidence of cardiac arrest increases from 100 per 100,000 for 50‐year‐old patients to 800 per 100,000 for 75‐year‐old patients in the United States.
  • According to the World Health Organization and United Nations, in 2050, the expected growth in the geriatric population is 116.20% around the world, and each country in the world will experience an increase in the population aged 60 years or above.
  • According to the Administration of Community Living, in the U.S., between 2006 and 2016 in the U.S., the population of older adults aged 60 and above increased by 36%, from 50.7 million to 68.7 million.
  • According to the U.S. Department of Health, the 85 and over population is projected to double from 6.4 million in 2016 to 14.6 million in 2040 (a 129% increase).
  • According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, nearly 20% of the elderly are financed out of pocket, while 13% are covered by private insurance annually.
  • According to CDC, in 2015, 96.4% of aged people required long-term care services.
  • According to the Administration of Community Living, the population aged 65 and over increased from 37.2 million in 2006 to 49.2 million in 2016 over the past ten years and is projected to reach 98 million in 2060.

With this increasing age and rising prevalence of heart disease, the demand for resuscitators is also increasing. Also, with the growing population, the pressure on the healthcare system is increasing with which the demand for care, services, and technologies is rising to treat the problem of breathing issues, which is expected to drive the market growth.


People are becoming more aware of their health, and there is also alertness for preventive healthcare. Emphasis on healthcare is gaining popularity. According to American Medical Association, the United States spent USD 3,649.4 billion on health care in 2018.

For instance,

  • According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National health spending is projected to reach USD 6.2 trillion by 2028 at an average annual rate of 5.4% for 2019-28.
  • According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in 2018, NHE rose 4.6% to USD 3.6 trillion (USD 11,172 per person), which accounts for 17.7% of GDP. National health spending will reach USD 6.2 trillion by 2028, with an average annual rate of 5.4% for 2019-2028.
  • The federal government and households sponsor the share of total health spending (28.3%) and households (28.4%). The share of private business is more than 19% of total healthcare spending.
  • In 2014, the elderly population (nearly 15%) accounted for approximately 34% of all spending.

Thus, rising healthcare expenditure and government support are further expected to drive the market's growth.


Chronic diseases are a global healthcare problem. There are two types of acute and chronic respiratory failure, hypoxemia and hypercapnic. Hypoxemic respiratory failure includes the deficiency of oxygen in blood with normal carbon dioxide, whereas hypercapnia respiratory failure includes higher carbon dioxide in the blood with normal or less oxygen. These chronic respiratory failures are treated with a breathing machine, which pumps oxygen through the mouth or nose of patients.

  • According to World Health Organization, chronic disease prevalence is expected to rise by 57% by 2020
  • According to the American Thoracic Society, approx. sixteen million people were diagnosed with COPD in 2017. Additionally, these diseases will be the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. heart diseases
  • According to the National Centre of Biotechnology information, there is an estimation that one in three people will suffer from multiple chronic disorders
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2015, in the U.S., the total number of the emergency department visit with chronic diseases chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was 7,251 (575), Congestive heart failure 4,413 (349), Hypertension 32,370 (2,209) per thousand patients

Global Distribution of Chronic Diseases Death (in %)-

Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa Bag Valve Masks Market

Source- World Health Organization (WHO)

The lower middle income countries are the worst hit by chronic diseases; therefore, the disease also becomes a financial burden for developing countries. Thus, the increased prevalence of infectious and chronic diseases is expected to drive market growth.  


rising number of premature births

Premature birth is a birth that happens before the three weeks or 37th week of pregnancy. It is estimated that each year, 15 million babies are born premature or pre-term, with a rise yearly.

The premature birth, babies, suffer from medical complications which lead to the cause of death of children; it is estimated that each year, 1 million children were died due to premature complications.

The lungs of premature babies do not fully develop, so the babies are unable to take a breath on their own; in this condition, paediatric resuscitators are used to support premature babies in taking a breath. Due to this, premature births boost the demand for manual resuscitators market.

The below-mentioned table shows the top 10 countries with the greatest number of pre-term births:

1 Pre-term births in few countries in 2018


Pre-Term Births











United States of America






The Democratic Republic of the Congo




Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

Respiratory distress syndrome is the most common lung problem in premature babies; in this condition, premature babies have difficulty expanding their lungs to take oxygen.


Growing healthcare infrastructure is an opportunity for the manual resuscitators market because if investment in healthcare increases, it will lead to the high installation of advanced technology-based ventilators in various healthcare facilities.

The government's major role in improving individuals' healthcare benefits includes health insurance programs and medicare facilities. The government also subsidizes the health facility, which helps patients take hassle-free, expensive treatment.

According to American Hospital Association, a total of 5,672 registered hospitals and a total of more than 900,000 beds are there in the U.S. Their total budget is USD 900.00 billion. The large and efficient system is fulfilling the healthcare needs of the people. With these growing infrastructural facilities, people are becoming more aware of their health and expanding.

For Instance,

  • According to Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services, healthcare spending in the U.S. grew 4.6% in 2018, reaching USD 3.60 trillion. Health spending has accounted for 17.7 percent as a share of GDP.
  • According to the Global Health Expenditure in World Health Organization (WHO) report, health spending is growing faster than the rest of the global economy. The global spending on health in low-middle-income countries is growing at an average of 6% annually; in high-income countries, health spending is growing by 4% annually.


Patients with serious illnesses such as difficulty breathing, lung infections, heart disease, and neurological disorders are treated with the breathing machine system provided by the ICU. An increasing number of chronic diseases such as COPD, chronic interstitial lung disease, restrictive lung disease, pneumonia, and other diseases need to keep the intensive care unit bed ventilated.

For instance,

  • According to an article published by the European Society of Anesthesiology, to fight the rising number of COVID-19 cases, the rate of increase in intensive care continues to change. The number of beds in Lombardy (Italy) has risen from 500 ICU beds to 900 beds
  • According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, between 2013 to 2014, it is estimated that around 65,000 ICU patients were gone from short-term ventilation and 16,800 from long-term ventilation



New technology is developing every day, and new innovative devices are entering the market as these devices utilize time, money, and labor. Along with that, the technology used by the device plays a major role in deciding the final market price of the device. All these factors resulted in the high price of the devices when they entered the market for sale. In countries with low disposable incomes, people cannot afford these devices and thus stick to routine physician check-ups.

The high capital investment cost is the biggest challenge for the manual resuscitators market. The development of new products demands deep research and clinical studies. The technological innovations in resuscitators have led to convenience and comfort, but it requires a high amount of capital investment because of its latest and improved technology, such as reusable resuscitators, which saves cost.


Reimbursement is one of the crucial scenarios for expanding the respiratory-related issues market. Various agencies are involved in providing reimbursement for respiratory disease. The current reimbursement system has been developed to support the simple diagnostic tests that form the basic floor of the diagnostic industry.

However, issues exist, such as inappropriate coding and lack of transparency in reimbursement procedures. These limitations restrict the healthcare professionals and patients from accessing innovative products at affordable costs and hence decrease the incentive of product developers.

For instance,

  • The current coverage evaluation procedure lacks transparency and differs among different payers, leading to inconsistent coverage decisions and limiting healthcare professionals and patients to access advanced technological devices.
  • The coding technique and payment system currently adopted for current diagnostic tools are unable to describe the diagnostic tools accurately.

These limitations lead to delays in the development and investment of novel devices. As per the publication of NCBI, this has been predicted that reimbursement is available for diagnostics only for a few reference healthcare providers in the U.S. Only these hospitals or other institutes have grants to attempt to reimburse amount from patient's Medicare or insurance.

Thus, improper reimbursement policies are expected to challenge market growth.

Regional Market Analysis

North America is expected to dominate the bag valve masks market, and Asia-Pacific is expected to grow with the highest CAGR in the forecast period due to the strong presence of market players in the region and its cost saving nature.

Market Players in the Asia-Pacific, Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa Bag Valve Masks Market

The market player operating in this market is VORTRAN Medical Technology 1 Inc.

Top players-

VORTRAN Medical Technology 1 Inc.

VORTRAN Medical Technology 1 Inc., headquartered in California, U.S., offers products to manufacturers and healthcare providers, including advanced respiratory and ambulatory medical devices. The company was founded in 1983.

The various products are GO2VENT, PercussiveNEB 2.0, AMP-Plus, VORTRAN-IPPB, VCI (VORTRAN Cuff Inflator, VORTRAN Manometer, e-Surge Kit, E-Vent Case, GO2VENT Surgical Kit, and VMAC Compressor. It is a research and development medical device manufacturer and the inventor of the world's first fully disposable ventilator.

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