Mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade, por componente (solução, serviços), tipo (não biométrico, biométrico), modo de implantação (on-site, cloud), dimensão da organização (grandes empresas, PME), vertical (BFSI, governo e defesa , Energia e Serviços Públicos, Retalho e Comércio Electrónico, TI e Telecomunicações, Saúde, Jogos e Outros), País (Alemanha, França, Reino Unido, Itália, Espanha, Rússia, Turquia, Bélgica, Países Baixos, Suíça e Resto da Europa ), Tendências de mercado e previsão para 2028.
Análise de Mercado e Insights: Mercado Europeu de Verificação de Identidade e Autenticação
O mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade deverá crescer no período de previsão de 2021 a 2028. A Data Bridge Market Research analisa que o mercado está a crescer com um CAGR de 17,1% no período de previsão de 2021 a 2028 e deverá atingir os 21.269,02 milhões de dólares até 2028. A elevada dependência de soluções de gestão de identidade e acesso na cloud pode atuar como um fator importante para o crescimento do mercado.
A verificação e autenticação de identidade referem-se aos serviços e soluções utilizados para verificar a autenticidade da identidade física ou de documentos de uma pessoa, como a carta de condução, o passaporte ou o documento de identidade emitido a nível nacional. A verificação e autenticação de identidade é um processo importante que garante que a identidade de uma pessoa corresponde àquela que deveria ser. As soluções e serviços de verificação e autenticação de identidade garantem que uma pessoa real está a operar por detrás de um processo e comprova quem afirma ser, evitando identidades falsas ou cometendo fraudes. A verificação de identidade é um requisito essencial em muitos processos e procedimentos empresariais. Vários métodos para a verificação de identidade e serviços de autenticação incluem a identidade biométrica , soluções de gestão de identidade e acesso (IAM), soluções de autenticação de linguagem de marcação de afirmação de segurança (SAML) e soluções de autenticação biométrica . O processo de verificação de identidade pode ser realizado de diversas formas dependendo do canal e da forma de verificação. Os serviços de verificação e autenticação de identidade são utilizados em muitos setores para fornecer segurança completa e evitar fraudes, crimes financeiros e roubo de identidade. Uma forma de evitar isto pode ser implementar soluções de combate ao branqueamento de capitais para melhorar a experiência do cliente e evitar multas dispendiosas e outros benefícios.
Um dos fatores que impulsionam o mercado é o rápido crescimento da digitalização em todos os negócios nas regiões europeias. Mas os obstáculos na determinação da verificação precisa da identidade podem ser um factor restritivo. O mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade está em ascensão devido à ampla adoção de soluções de autenticação em setores financeiros, como a banca, e as companhias de seguros estão entre alguns dos fatores que podem ser uma oportunidade para o mercado. As regulamentações rigorosas impostas pelo governo sobre a recolha de informações podem ser um grande desafio para o crescimento do mercado nestas regiões.
Este relatório de mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade fornece detalhes de quota de mercado, novos desenvolvimentos e análise de pipeline de produtos, o impacto dos participantes do mercado doméstico e localizado, analisa as oportunidades em termos de bolsas de receitas emergentes, alterações nas regulamentações de mercado, aprovações de produtos, decisões estratégicas, lançamentos de produtos, expansões geográficas e inovações tecnológicas no mercado. Para compreender a análise e o cenário do mercado, contacte-nos para obter um Analyst Brief; a nossa equipa irá ajudá-lo a criar uma solução de impacto na receita para atingir a meta desejada.
Âmbito do mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade da Europa e dimensão do mercado
O mercado europeu de verificação de identidade e autenticação é segmentado com base no componente, tipo, modo de implementação, tamanho da organização e vertical. O crescimento entre segmentos ajuda-o a analisar os nichos de crescimento e as estratégias para abordar o mercado e determinar as suas principais áreas de aplicação e a diferença nos seus mercados-alvo.
- Com base na componente, o mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade está segmentado em soluções e serviços. Em 2021, o segmento de soluções detinha uma maior quota de mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade devido a fatores como a mudança para a transformação digital por vários setores, principalmente setores financeiros, aumentando a necessidade de lutar contra violações de dados e atividades fraudulentas.
- Com base no tipo, o mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade foi segmentado em não biométricos e biométricos. Em 2021, o segmento da biometria detinha uma maior quota de mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade devido ao aumento da penetração de smartphones nos países em fusão e nos países desenvolvidos e à crescente procura de tecnologias NFC .
- Com base no modo de implementação, o mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade foi segmentado em local e na nuvem. Em 2021, o segmento da cloud detinha uma maior quota de mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade. As soluções de verificação e autenticação de identidade baseadas na nuvem estão a ganhar popularidade entre as agências governamentais e de defesa.
- Com base na dimensão da organização, o mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade foi segmentado em grandes empresas e PME. Em 2021, o segmento das grandes empresas detinha uma maior quota de mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade devido a fatores como a proteção contra o aumento de casos de branqueamento de capitais, violação de dados, roubo de identidade, processamento seguro de transações de alto risco.
- Com base na vertical, o mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade foi segmentado em BFSI, governo e defesa, energia e serviços públicos, retalho e comércio eletrónico, TI e telecomunicações, saúde, jogos, entre outros. Em 2021, o segmento BFSI detinha a maior quota de mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade devido à forte necessidade de minimizar as ciberameaças e à adoção de uma estratégia de defesa contra a fraude baseada no risco.
Análise ao nível do país do mercado de verificação de identidade e autenticação da Europa
O mercado europeu de verificação de identidade e autenticação é analisado, e são fornecidas informações sobre o tamanho do mercado por componente, tipo, modo de implementação, tamanho da organização e vertical.
Os países abrangidos pelo relatório do mercado europeu de verificação de identidade e autenticação são o Reino Unido, Alemanha, França, Suíça, Itália, Espanha, Países Baixos, Rússia, Bélgica, Turquia e resto da Europa na Europa.
A Alemanha domina o mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade devido a vários fatores, como a elevada dependência de soluções de Cloud Identity e Access Management, que é uma necessidade absoluta nos tempos atuais.
A secção do país do relatório também fornece fatores individuais de impacto no mercado e alterações na regulamentação do mercado que impactam as tendências atuais e futuras do mercado. Dados como novas vendas, vendas de reposição, demografia do país, atos regulamentares e tarifas de importação e exportação são alguns dos principais indicadores utilizados para prever o cenário de mercado para países individuais. Além disso, a presença e disponibilidade de marcas europeias e os desafios enfrentados devido à grande ou escassa concorrência de marcas locais e nacionais, o impacto dos canais de vendas são considerados ao mesmo tempo que fornecem uma análise de previsão dos dados do país.
Crescente procura por mercado de verificação de identidade e autenticação
Europe identity verification and authentication market also provide a detailed market analysis for every country's growth in the industry with sales, components sales, the impact of technological development in identity verification and authentication, and changes in regulatory scenarios with their support for the identity verification and authentication Mercado. Os dados estão disponíveis para o período histórico de 2010 a 2019.
Cenário competitivo e análise de quota de mercado de verificação de identidade e autenticação
O panorama competitivo do mercado europeu de verificação de identidade e autenticação fornece detalhes do concorrente. Os detalhes incluídos são a visão geral da empresa, finanças da empresa, receitas geradas, potencial de mercado, investimento em investigação e desenvolvimento, novas iniciativas de mercado, presença na Europa, localizações e instalações de produção, pontos fortes e fracos da empresa, lançamento de produtos, pipelines de testes de produtos, aprovações de produtos, patentes, largura e amplitude do produto, domínio da aplicação, curva de segurança da tecnologia. Os dados acima estão apenas relacionados com o foco das empresas no mercado europeu de verificação e autenticação de identidade.
Os principais participantes abrangidos pelo relatório de verificação e autenticação de identidade na Europa são o Thales Group, LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group, IDEMIA, TransUnion LLC, Equifax, Inc., Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Acuant, Inc., Authenteq, Finansiell ID- Teknik BID AB, GB Group plc, IDkollen i Sverige AB, Jumio, Mitek Systems, Inc., Okta, Onfido, PENNEO A/S, Ping Identity, Precise Biometrics AB, ZignSec AB, entre outros. Os analistas DBMR compreendem os pontos fortes competitivos e fornecem análises competitivas para cada concorrente em separado. Muitos desenvolvimentos de produtos são também iniciados por empresas de todo o mundo, o que também acelera o crescimento do mercado de verificação e autenticação de identidade.
Por exemplo,
- Em janeiro de 2021, a IDEMIA ganhou o Contrato de Verificação de Identidade do Serviço Postal dos EUA do Serviço Postal dos Estados Unidos (USPS) e do Serviço de Inspeção Postal (USPIS). Nos termos deste contrato, a empresa irá fornecer às comunidades dos EUA um portefólio de soluções e serviços de identidade. Com isto, a empresa fornecerá acesso a serviços de verificação de identidade nos Correios dos EUA. Isto ajudará a empresa a aumentar a sua base de clientes no mercado
- Em outubro de 2020, o Grupo Thales lançou uma solução de conjunto de verificação de identidade. A principal característica do lançamento desta solução foram as suas capacidades biométricas seguras. Além disso, esta solução era 100% automatizada através de inteligência artificial e proporcionava privacidade, segurança de alto nível e flexibilidade de implementação. Esta solução ajudou a empresa a fortalecer o seu portfólio de produtos
As parcerias, joint ventures e outras estratégias aumentam a quota de mercado da empresa com maior cobertura e presença. Beneficia também a organização ao melhorar a sua oferta de mercado de verificação de identidade e autenticação através de uma gama alargada de tamanhos.
Obtenha acesso online ao relatório sobre a primeira nuvem de inteligência de mercado do mundo
- Painel interativo de análise de dados
- Painel de análise da empresa para oportunidades de elevado potencial de crescimento
- Acesso de analista de pesquisa para personalização e customização. consultas
- Análise da concorrência com painel interativo
- Últimas notícias, atualizações e atualizações Análise de tendências
- Aproveite o poder da análise de benchmark para um rastreio abrangente da concorrência
- introduction
- OVERVIEW OF Europe identity verification & authentication market
- Currency and Pricing
- geographicAL scope
- years considered for the study
- primary interviews with key opinion leaders
- vendor share analysis
- Multivariate Modeling
- component timeline curve
- secondary sourcEs
- assumptions
- premium insights
- market overview
- drivers
- IncreasE IN demand for Near-Field Communication (NFC) technologies
- Heighten dependency on Cloud Identity and Access Management solutions
- Grow IN adoption of identity verification and authentication solutions
- Surge in fraudulent activities
- Rapid growth in digitalization across business
- Hurdles in determining accurate identity verification
- Lack of awareness regarding identity verification and authentication solutions
- High initial cost
- HeightenED adoption of Razor-sharp biometrics identity verification solutions
- IncreasE IN demand for identity verification services in smartphones
- Wide range adoption of authentication solutions across BFSI
- Grow IN adoption of digital payment solutions
- Lack of skilled professionals while offering service for identity verification and authentication solutions
- Strict regulations imposed by THE government on information collection
- Storage challenge for huge variants of data/information
- IMPACT OF COVID-19 on Europe Identity Verification and Authentication Market
- Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET, BY component
- overview
- Solution
- document/ID verification
- authentication
- digital/electronic identity verification
- services
- professional services
- Managed services
- integration services
- Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET, BY type
- overview
- Biometrics
- Physiological
- behavioral
- Non-Biometrics
- Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET, BY deployment mode
- overview
- on-premise
- cloud
- Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET, BY organization size
- overview
- large enterprises
- Small & Medium enterprises
- Europe identity verification and authentication MARKET, BY vertical
- overview
- software
- services
- government & defense
- software
- services
- energy & utilities
- software
- services
- retail & ecommerce
- software
- services
- IT & telecom
- software
- services
- healthcare
- software
- services
- gaming
- software
- services
- others
- software
- services
- Europe identity verification and authentication market, by region
- Europe
- Germany
- U.K.
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Netherlands
- Belgium
- Russia
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- rest of Europe
- EUROPE Identity Verification and Authentication market: COMPANY landscape
- company share analysis: EUROPE
- Company profile
- LexisNexis Risk Solutions Group
- COMPANY snapshot
- company share analysis
- solution PORTFOLIO
- Thales Group
- COMPANY snapshot
- company share analysis
- Solution PORTFOLIO
- Equifax, Inc.
- COMPANY snapshot
- company share analysis
- COMPANY snapshot
- company share analysis
- Experian Information Solutions, Inc.
- COMPANY snapshot
- company share analysis
- Solution and Services PORTFOLIO
- TransUnion LLC
- COMPANY snapshot
- Solution PORTFOLIO
- AccuraTechnolabs
- COMPANY snapshot
- Acuant, Inc.
- COMPANY snapshot
- Authenteq
- COMPANY snapshot
- Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB
- COMPANY snapshot
- GB Group plc
- COMPANY snapshot
- Solution PORTFOLIO
- IDkollen i Sverige AB
- COMPANY snapshot
- Jumio
- COMPANY snapshot
- Mitek Systems, Inc.
- COMPANY snapshot
- Solution PORTFOLIO
- okta
- COMPANY snapshot
- Onfido
- COMPANY snapshot
- COMPANY snapshot
- Solution PORTFOLIO
- Ping Identity
- COMPANY snapshot
- Precise Biometrics AB
- COMPANY snapshot
- Solution PORTFOLIO
- COMPANY snapshot
- questionnaire
- related reports
Lista de Tabela
TABLE 2 Europe government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 3 Europe identity Access management market, By geography, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 4 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 5 Europe solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region,2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 6 Europe Solution in Identity Verification and Authentication Market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 7 Europe services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 8 Europe Services in Identity Verification and Authentication Market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 9 Europe Professional Services in Identity Verification and Authentication Market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 10 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 11 Europe Biometrics in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 12 Europe Biometrics in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 13 Europe Non-Biometrics in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 14 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By deployment mode, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 15 Europe on-premise in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 16 Europe cloud in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 17 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By organization size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 18 Europe large enterprises in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 19 Europe Small & medium enterprises in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 20 Europe identity verification and authentication Market, By vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 21 Europe BFSI in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 22 Europe BFSI in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 23 Europe Government & defense in IDENTITY VERIFICATION Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 24 Europe Government & defense in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 25 Europe energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 26 Europe Energy & utilities in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 27 Europe retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 28 Europe Retail & ecommerce in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 29 Europe IT & telecom in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 30 Europe IT & telecom in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 31 Europe healthcare in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 32 Europe Healthcare in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 33 Europe gaming in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 34 Europe Gaming in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 35 Europe others in identity verification and authentication Market, By Region, 2019-2028 (USD MILLION)
TABLE 36 Europe Others in IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication Market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 37 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By Country, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 38 EUROPE identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 39 EUROPE solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 40 EUROPE services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 41 EUROPE professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 42 EUROPE identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 43 EUROPE identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 44 EUROPE identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 45 EUROPE identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 46 EUROPE BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 47 EUROPE government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 48 EUROPE it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 49 EUROPE retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 50 EUROPE healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 51 EUROPE energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 52 EUROPE gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 53 EUROPE others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 54 GERMANY identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 55 GERMANY solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 56 GERMANY services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 57 GERMANY professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 58 GERMANY identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 59 GERMANY identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 60 GERMANY identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 61 GERMANY identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 62 GERMANY BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 63 GERMANY government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 64 GERMANY it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 65 GERMANY retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 66 GERMANY healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 67 GERMANY energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 68 GERMANY gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 69 GERMANY others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 70 U.K. identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 71 U.K. solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 72 U.K. services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 73 U.K. professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 74 U.K. identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 75 U.K. identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 76 U.K. identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 77 U.K. identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 78 U.K. BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 79 U.K. government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 80 U.K. it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 81 U.K. retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 82 U.K. healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 83 U.K. energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 84 U.K. gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 85 U.K. others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 86 FRANCE identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 87 FRANCE solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 88 FRANCE services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 89 FRANCE professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 90 FRANCE identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 91 FRANCE identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 92 FRANCE identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 93 FRANCE identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 94 FRANCE BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 95 FRANCE government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 96 FRANCE it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 97 FRANCE retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 98 FRANCE healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 99 FRANCE energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 100 FRANCE gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 101 FRANCE others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 102 ITALY identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 103 ITALY solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 104 ITALY services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 105 ITALY professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 106 ITALY identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 107 ITALY identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 108 ITALY identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 109 ITALY identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 110 ITALY BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 111 ITALY government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 112 ITALY it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 113 ITALY retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 114 ITALY healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 115 ITALY energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 116 ITALY gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 117 ITALY others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 118 SPAIN identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 119 SPAIN solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 120 SPAIN services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 121 SPAIN professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 122 SPAIN identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 123 SPAIN identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 124 SPAIN identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 125 SPAIN identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 126 SPAIN BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 127 SPAIN government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 128 SPAIN it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 129 SPAIN retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 130 SPAIN healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 131 SPAIN energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 132 SPAIN gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 133 SPAIN others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 134 NETHERLANDS identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 135 NETHERLANDS solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 136 NETHERLANDS services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 137 NETHERLANDS professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 138 NETHERLANDS identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 139 NETHERLANDS identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 140 NETHERLANDS identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 141 NETHERLANDS identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 142 NETHERLANDS BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 143 NETHERLANDS government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 144 NETHERLANDS it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 145 NETHERLANDS retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 146 NETHERLANDS healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 147 NETHERLANDS energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 148 NETHERLANDS gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 149 NETHERLANDS others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 150 BELGIUM identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 151 BELGIUM solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 152 BELGIUM services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 153 BELGIUM professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 154 BELGIUM identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 155 BELGIUM identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 156 BELGIUM identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 157 BELGIUM identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 158 BELGIUM BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 159 BELGIUM government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 160 BELGIUM it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 161 BELGIUM retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 162 BELGIUM healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 163 BELGIUM energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 164 BELGIUM gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 165 BELGIUM others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 166 RUSSIA identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 167 RUSSIA solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 168 RUSSIA services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 169 RUSSIA professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 170 RUSSIA identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 171 RUSSIA identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 172 RUSSIA identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 173 RUSSIA identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 174 RUSSIA BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 175 RUSSIA government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 176 RUSSIA it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 177 RUSSIA retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 178 RUSSIA healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 179 RUSSIA energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 180 RUSSIA gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 181 RUSSIA others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 182 SWITZERLAND identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 183 SWITZERLAND solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 184 SWITZERLAND services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 185 SWITZERLAND professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 186 SWITZERLAND identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 187 SWITZERLAND identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 188 SWITZERLAND identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 189 SWITZERLAND identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 190 SWITZERLAND BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 191 SWITZERLAND government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 192 SWITZERLAND it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 193 SWITZERLAND retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 194 SWITZERLAND healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 195 SWITZERLAND energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 196 SWITZERLAND gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 197 SWITZERLAND others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 198 TURKEY identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 199 TURKEY solution in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 200 TURKEY services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 201 TURKEY professional services in IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Market, By component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 202 TURKEY identity verification and authentication market, By type, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 203 TURKEY identity verification and authentication market, By Deployment, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 204 TURKEY identity verification and authentication market, By Organization Size, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 205 TURKEY identity verification and authentication market, By Vertical, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 206 TURKEY BFSI in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 207 TURKEY government & defence in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 208 TURKEY it & telecom in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 209 TURKEY retail & ecommerce in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 210 TURKEY healthcare in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 211 TURKEY energy & utilities in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 212 TURKEY gaming in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 213 TURKEY others in identity verification and authentication market, By Offering, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
TABLE 214 rest of europe identity verification and authentication market, By Component, 2019-2028 (USD Million)
Lista de Figura
FIGURE 1 EUROPE Identity verification and authentication MARKET: segmentation
FIGURE 2 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: data triangulation
FIGURE 3 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: DROC ANALYSIS
FIGURE 4 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: EUROPE VS REGIONAL MARKET ANALYSIS
FIGURE 5 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: COMPANY RESEARCH ANALYSIS
FIGURE 6 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: INTERVIEW DEMOGRAPHICS
FIGURE 7 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: DBMR MARKET POSITION GRID
FIGURE 8 Europe Identity verification and authentication market: vendor share analysis
FIGURE 9 Europe Identity and authentication verification market: SEGMENTATION
FIGURE 10 Increase in fraudulent activities is EXPECTED TO DRIVE EUROPE IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET IN THE FORECAST PERIOD OF 2021 TO 2028
FIGURE 11 solution segment is expected to account for the largest share of Europe Identity verification and authentication market in 2021 & 2028
FIGURE 12 DRIVERS, RESTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES, AND CHALLENGES OF Europe Identity Verification and Authentication Market
FIGURE 14 number of fraud complaints IN U.S., from 2016 to 2020
FIGURE 15 number of fraud complaints IN U.S., from 2016 to 2020
FIGURE 16 Number of smartphone users worldwide, from 2016 to 2020
FIGURE 17 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and Authentication MARKET: BY component, 2020
FIGURE 18 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET: BY type, 2020
FIGURE 19 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET: BY deployment mode, 2020
FIGURE 20 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION and authentication MARKET: BY organization size, 2020
FIGURE 21 Europe identity verification and authentication MARKET: BY vertical, 2020
FIGURE 24 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION market : by Country (2021 & 2028)
FIGURE 25 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION market : by Country (2020 & 2028)
FIGURE 26 Europe IDENTITY VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION market : by component (2021-2028)
FIGURE 27 Europe Identity Verification and Authentication Market: company share 2020 (%)
Metodologia de Investigação
A recolha de dados e a análise do ano base são feitas através de módulos de recolha de dados com amostras grandes. A etapa inclui a obtenção de informações de mercado ou dados relacionados através de diversas fontes e estratégias. Inclui examinar e planear antecipadamente todos os dados adquiridos no passado. Da mesma forma, envolve o exame de inconsistências de informação observadas em diferentes fontes de informação. Os dados de mercado são analisados e estimados utilizando modelos estatísticos e coerentes de mercado. Além disso, a análise da quota de mercado e a análise das principais tendências são os principais fatores de sucesso no relatório de mercado. Para saber mais, solicite uma chamada de analista ou abra a sua consulta.
A principal metodologia de investigação utilizada pela equipa de investigação do DBMR é a triangulação de dados que envolve a mineração de dados, a análise do impacto das variáveis de dados no mercado e a validação primária (especialista do setor). Os modelos de dados incluem grelha de posicionamento de fornecedores, análise da linha de tempo do mercado, visão geral e guia de mercado, grelha de posicionamento da empresa, análise de patentes, análise de preços, análise da quota de mercado da empresa, normas de medição, análise global versus regional e de participação dos fornecedores. Para saber mais sobre a metodologia de investigação, faça uma consulta para falar com os nossos especialistas do setor.
Personalização disponível
A Data Bridge Market Research é líder em investigação formativa avançada. Orgulhamo-nos de servir os nossos clientes novos e existentes com dados e análises que correspondem e atendem aos seus objetivos. O relatório pode ser personalizado para incluir análise de tendências de preços de marcas-alvo, compreensão do mercado para países adicionais (solicite a lista de países), dados de resultados de ensaios clínicos, revisão de literatura, mercado remodelado e análise de base de produtos . A análise de mercado dos concorrentes-alvo pode ser analisada desde análises baseadas em tecnologia até estratégias de carteira de mercado. Podemos adicionar quantos concorrentes necessitar de dados no formato e estilo de dados que procura. A nossa equipa de analistas também pode fornecer dados em tabelas dinâmicas de ficheiros Excel em bruto (livro de factos) ou pode ajudá-lo a criar apresentações a partir dos conjuntos de dados disponíveis no relatório.