Mercado Europeu de Testes de Segurança Alimentar – Tendências da Indústria e Previsão para 2030

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Mercado Europeu de Testes de Segurança Alimentar – Tendências da Indústria e Previsão para 2030

  • Food & Beverage
  • Publish Reports
  • Dec 2022
  • Europe
  • 350 Páginas
  • Número de tabelas: 942
  • Número de figuras: 23

Europe Food Safety Testing Market

Tamanho do mercado em biliões de dólares

CAGR :  % Diagram

Diagram Período de previsão
2024 –2030
Diagram Tamanho do mercado (ano base )
Diagram Tamanho do mercado ( Ano de previsão)
USD 14,883.71
Diagram CAGR
Diagram Principais participantes do mercado
  • Manequim1
  • Manequim2
  • Manequim3
  • Manequim4
  • Manequim5

Mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar, por tipo de teste (sistema, kits de teste e consumíveis), tipo de testes (testes de segurança alimentar, testes de autenticidade alimentar e testes de vida útil dos alimentos), local (laboratório interno/interno e instalação de outsourcing), aplicação (Alimentos, Cereais e Grãos, Oleaginosas e Leguminosas, Nozes e Bebidas) - Tendências e Previsões do Setor para 2030.

Mercado de testes de segurança alimentar

Análise e dimensão do mercado de testes de segurança alimentar na Europa

A segurança e a qualidade dos alimentos são grandes preocupações para a produção alimentar e para a indústria do retalho e da hotelaria. A qualidade e a higiene dos alimentos têm impacto na produtividade. Nos últimos anos, tanto a adulteração intencional como a não intencional tornaram-se de alta tecnologia e os laboratórios de testes podem ajudar a detetar estes adulterantes. A função mais importante dos laboratórios de testes de segurança alimentar é testar os alimentos quanto a adulterantes, agentes patogénicos, resíduos de pesticidas, contaminantes químicos como metais pesados, contaminantes microbianos, aditivos não permitidos, corantes, entre outros e antibióticos nos alimentos. Sem testes alimentares, os produtores e fabricantes de alimentos não podem garantir que os pesticidas, antibióticos , metais pesados ​​e toxinas naturais, entre outros. Assim, é importante garantir a segurança alimentar.

Mercado de testes de segurança alimentar

Mercado de testes de segurança alimentar

A procura por testes alimentares é crescente, para os quais os fabricantes estão agora mais focados e envolvidos no lançamento de novos produtos, promoção, prémios, certificação e participação em eventos no mercado. Estas decisões estão, em última análise, a aumentar o crescimento do mercado.

A Data Bridge Market Research analisa que o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar deverá atingir um valor de 14.883,71 milhões de dólares até 2030, com um CAGR de 7,2% durante o período de previsão. O relatório do mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar abrange também todos os parâmetros que afetam o mercado abrangido neste estudo de investigação que foram contabilizados, vistos em detalhe, verificados através de investigação primária e analisados ​​para obter os dados quantitativos e qualitativos finais. 

Métrica de reporte


Período de previsão

2023 a 2030

Ano base


Ano histórico

2021 (personalizável para 2020-1015)

Unidades Quantitativas

Receita em milhões de dólares

Segmentos cobertos

Por tipo de teste (sistema, kits de teste e consumíveis), tipo de testes (testes de segurança alimentar, testes de autenticidade de alimentos e testes de vida útil de alimentos), local (laboratório interno/interno e instalação de outsourcing), aplicação (alimentos, cereais e grãos , Oleaginosas e Leguminosas, Nozes e Bebidas)

Países abrangidos

Alemanha, França, Espanha, Bélgica, Holanda, Bélgica, Suíça, Turquia e Resto da Europa

Participantes do mercado abrangidos

Eurofins Scientific, Shimadzu Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., PerkinElmer Inc., FOSS, ALS, LexaGene, ROKA BIO SCIENCE, Biorex Food Diagnostics (BFD), Randox Food Diagnostics, Omega Diagnostics Group PLC, Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, 3M, Clear Labs, Inc., Invisible Sentinel, Ring Biotechnology Co Ltd., BIOMÉRIEUX SA, Agilent Technologies, Inc., NEOGEN Corporation, Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd.

Definição de mercado

O teste alimentar é a análise científica dos alimentos e do conteúdo dos alimentos. É feito para fornecer informações sobre as diversas características dos alimentos, incluindo a sua estrutura, composição e propriedades físico-químicas. Os testes de segurança alimentar incluem vários testes realizados por outros motivos, como testes de qualidade e controlo de qualidade do produto. Os testes de produtos alimentares podem ser feitos utilizando vários métodos altamente avançados para fornecer informações precisas sobre o valor nutricional e a segurança alimentar. Os métodos mais comuns de teste de produtos alimentares são os testes químicos analíticos, os testes sensoriais, os testes microbiológicos e as análises nutricionais. Os testes de produtos alimentares determinam o conteúdo de nutrientes utilizando laboratório, análise nutricional pronta a usar, software e análise nutricional online. A análise laboratorial é o método mais preferido.

Os testes e análises alimentares são essenciais para a segurança alimentar, de forma a garantir que os alimentos são seguros para consumo. Isto inclui nutrir a rede de laboratórios de análise alimentar, garantir a qualidade dos testes alimentares, investir nos recursos humanos e realizar atividades de vigilância e educação dos consumidores.

Dinâmica do mercado de ensaios de segurança alimentar na Europa

Esta secção trata da compreensão dos impulsionadores do mercado, vantagens, oportunidades, restrições e desafios. Tudo isto é discutido em detalhe abaixo:


  • Aumento do número de casos de doenças de origem alimentar

Espera-se que o número crescente de casos de doenças de origem alimentar entre indivíduos de todo o mundo impulsione o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar. O consumo de alimentos estragados, contaminados ou deteriorados com diversos microrganismos, como bactérias, fungos, parasitas, vírus e outros, é a principal causa de doenças de origem alimentar. Além disso, outros contaminantes, como micotoxinas, metais pesados ​​e produtos químicos, também estão a levar ao aumento de casos de doenças de origem alimentar entre as pessoas. Estes casos crescentes aumentam significativamente a procura de kits, equipamentos e sistemas de testes alimentares em toda a região. A principal razão por detrás do aumento das doenças transmitidas pelos alimentos na indústria alimentar é o desconhecimento da força de trabalho, dos manipuladores e dos fabricantes de alimentos, uma vez que lhes falta conhecimento das tecnologias modernas, das boas práticas de fabrico (BPF), dos sistemas de análise de perigos e de pontos críticos de controlo (HACCP) e controlo de qualidade. A falta de conhecimento dos trabalhadores leva ao aumento da prevalência de doenças de origem alimentar.

  • Aumento da consciencialização do consumidor em relação à segurança alimentar

Com o número crescente de casos de doenças de origem alimentar e problemas de intoxicação alimentar, cada vez mais consumidores estão a tomar consciência da importância de consumir alimentos seguros e saudáveis. Isto levou a uma maior procura de alimentos seguros e de boa qualidade entre os indivíduos, gerando a procura de equipamentos de teste de segurança alimentar. A crescente incidência de doenças de origem alimentar levou os consumidores a introduzir mudanças vitais na sua dieta e estilo de vida, tornando-os mais preocupados com a segurança alimentar. Os consumidores estão conscientes dos seus alimentos e a segurança alimentar é a sua principal preocupação.

A segurança alimentar é importante para a saúde dos consumidores, de toda a indústria alimentar e das autoridades reguladoras. Com a crescente preocupação com a segurança alimentar entre os consumidores, o governo está também a tomar iniciativas para promover alimentos seguros junto dos consumidores.

  • Aumento do número de recalls de produtos alimentares

A recolha de um produto é um pedido de um fabricante aos consumidores para devolver o produto após descobrir a presença de agentes patogénicos ou problemas de segurança no produto que possam colocar a vida do consumidor em risco. O recall do produto pode colocar o fabricante em risco de ação legal. O aumento dos casos de recolha de produtos em diferentes marcas e empresas devido à contaminação dos alimentos, seja com um agente patogénico, metais pesados ​​ou determinados produtos químicos, está a levar a uma maior procura de equipamentos e sistemas de testes de segurança alimentar. A contaminação dos alimentos pode levar a graves problemas de saúde para os consumidores, tendo em maior conta os kits e os sistemas de segurança alimentar. Houve muitos casos de recolhas de produtos de diferentes fabricantes.


  • Falta de instalações de infraestruturas para testes de alimentos

O número crescente de recolhas de produtos, casos de contaminação alimentar, incidentes de intoxicação alimentar e a crescente sensibilização dos consumidores levaram ao aumento da procura de instalações de segurança alimentar em toda a região. No entanto, a falta de infra-estruturas nos laboratórios de testes alimentares está a dificultar o crescimento do mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar. Para obter resultados precisos para os testes alimentares, devem ser mantidas boas condições de higiene nos laboratórios, mas os laboratórios não estão bem desenvolvidos em termos de infra-estruturas, água potável, formação de pessoal, tecnologias modernas para garantia de qualidade, operações de embalagem e procedimentos de higienização padrão. Além disso, a implementação de controlos microbiológicos num programa GMP ou HACCP está basicamente fora de questão devido às condições insuficientes ou inadequadas da planta.

  • Falta de conhecimento técnico nas pequenas empresas

As pequenas empresas e os fabricantes de produtos alimentares não dispõem de informação suficiente sobre os novos métodos, serviços e programas de segurança alimentar de alta tecnologia. Assim, não conseguem cumprir os requisitos específicos de segurança alimentar. Por conseguinte, a falta de competências e conhecimentos, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento, afectará a avaliação e inspecção eficazes das operações alimentares. A experiência e o conhecimento técnico são essenciais para implementar tais procedimentos. Assim, o governo deve realizar certos programas para educar os trabalhadores, de modo a que se possam alcançar testes máximos de segurança alimentar e, assim, de segurança. A falta de experiência e de conhecimentos técnicos, especialmente nas pequenas empresas, levará a alguma contaminação grave dos produtos alimentares e das bebidas, o que resultará em doenças de origem alimentar e poderá causar problemas graves. A falta de experiência e conhecimento técnico pode prejudicar a indústria de testes de segurança alimentar. A crescente automação na indústria exige pessoas qualificadas e tecnicamente sólidas para operar as máquinas e as pequenas empresas não conseguem encontrar profissionais qualificados para o mesmo.


  • Crescente procura e popularidade por alimentos com rótulo limpo

Os produtos alimentares com rótulo limpo contêm ingredientes alimentares que são mais naturais e menos processados. Os consumidores estão a optar por opções alimentares saudáveis ​​e limpas para viver estilos de vida mais saudáveis, aumentando assim a procura por testes de segurança alimentar. Hoje em dia, os consumidores estão cada vez mais inclinados para alimentos com rótulos limpos, livres de conservantes ou aditivos, para continuarem um determinado estilo de vida. Além disso, a consciencialização relativamente à promoção de um ambiente sustentável através da utilização de produtos com rótulo limpo está a impulsionar o crescimento do mercado. Com a crescente procura por alimentos com rótulo limpo ou produtos alimentares com rótulo seguro, a procura por testes de segurança alimentar também está a aumentar à medida que os fabricantes oferecem produtos com rótulos alimentares seguros para garantir aos consumidores que os produtos alimentares estão livres de quaisquer agentes patogénicos nocivos, micotoxinas, metais pesados ​​e produtos químicos.


  • Falta de um padrão uniforme de segurança de qualidade

Nos últimos anos, a procura de produtos alimentares limpos e seguros aumentou subitamente entre os consumidores, o que levou ao desenvolvimento de diferentes e novos padrões de segurança alimentar por parte dos organismos governamentais. Como resultado, o número de normas nacionais para a segurança alimentar aumentou e confundiu. Além disso, os regulamentos de segurança alimentar diferem de país para país, uma vez que os alimentos são considerados seguros para consumo num país, mas não seguros para importação para outros países. Por conseguinte, a necessidade de harmonizar os padrões de segurança alimentar está a aumentar. O aumento do número de iniciativas tomadas pelas autoridades governamentais para dar uniformidade às normas de segurança alimentar ajudará a enfrentar o grande desafio que se coloca ao mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar.

Desenvolvimentos recentes

  • Em maio, a Biomerieux adquiriu a Specific Diagnostics, uma empresa privada que desenvolveu um teste de sensibilidade antimicrobiana. Ajudou a empresa a expandir a sua liderança a nível global
  • Em abril, a FOSS anunciou o lançamento de modelos de adulteração direcionados, permitindo que as instalações de teste de leite programem instrumentos de teste para rastrear amostras de leite cru em busca de fontes conhecidas de adulteração de leite. Os novos modelos complementam um modelo existente não direcionado que permite a deteção de quaisquer anormalidades

Âmbito do mercado de testes de segurança alimentar na Europa

O mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar está segmentado em tipo de teste, tipo de teste, local e aplicação. O crescimento entre estes segmentos irá ajudá-lo a analisar os principais segmentos de crescimento nas indústrias e fornecer aos utilizadores uma valiosa visão geral do mercado e insights de mercado para os ajudar a tomar decisões estratégicas para identificar as principais aplicações do mercado.

Tipo de teste

  • Sistema
  • Kits de teste
  • Consumíveis

Com base no tipo de teste, o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar está segmentado em sistemas, kits de teste e consumíveis.

Tipo de testes

  • Testes de Segurança Alimentar
  • Teste de autenticidade alimentar
  • Teste de vida útil dos alimentos

Com base no tipo de testes, o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar está segmentado em testes de segurança alimentar, testes de autenticidade alimentar e testes de prazo de validade alimentar.


  • Laboratório interno/interno
  • Instalação de outsourcing

Com base no local, o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar está segmentado em laboratório interno/interno e instalações externas.


  • Comida
  • Cereais e Grãos
  • Sementes oleaginosas e leguminosas
  • Nozes
  • Bebidas

Mercado de testes de segurança alimentar

Com base na aplicação, o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar está segmentado em alimentos, cereais e grãos, sementes oleaginosas e leguminosas, frutos secos e bebidas.

Análise/perspetivas regionais do mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar

O mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar é analisado e são fornecidos insights e tendências do tamanho do mercado por país, tipo de teste, tipo de teste, local e aplicação, conforme mencionado acima.

Alguns países abrangidos pelo mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar são a Itália, o Reino Unido, a Alemanha, a França, a Espanha, a Bélgica, a Holanda, a Bélgica, a Suíça, a Turquia e o resto da Europa. 

Prevê-se que a França domine o mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar devido à crescente procura de alimentos com rótulo limpo.

A secção do relatório sobre países também fornece fatores individuais que impactam o mercado e alterações na regulamentação do mercado que impactam as tendências atuais e futuras do mercado. Pontos de dados como a análise da cadeia de valor a jusante e a montante, tendências técnicas e análise das cinco forças de Porter, estudos de caso são alguns dos indicadores utilizados para prever o cenário de mercado para países individuais. Além disso, são considerados a presença e disponibilidade de marcas europeias e os desafios enfrentados devido à grande ou escassa concorrência de marcas locais e nacionais, o impacto das tarifas nacionais e das rotas comerciais, ao mesmo tempo que se fornece uma análise de previsão dos dados do país.   

Cenário competitivo e análise da quota de mercado dos testes de segurança alimentar na Europa

O panorama competitivo do mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar fornece detalhes dos concorrentes. Os detalhes incluídos são a visão geral da empresa, finanças da empresa, receitas geradas, potencial de mercado, investimento em investigação e desenvolvimento, novas iniciativas de mercado, presença na Europa, localizações e instalações de produção, capacidades de produção, pontos fortes e fracos da empresa, lançamento de produto, largura e amplitude do produto, aplicação domínio. Os dados acima fornecidos estão apenas relacionados com o foco das empresas no mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar.

Alguns dos principais players que operam no mercado europeu de testes de segurança alimentar são a Eurofins Scientific, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, Shimadzu Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., PerkinElmer Inc., FOSS, ALS, Biorex Food Diagnostics (BFD), Randox Food Diagnostics, 3M, Agilent Technologies, Inc., NEOGEN Corporation, Invisible Sentinel, Ring Biotechnology Co Ltd., BIOMÉRIEUX SA, Noack Group, Omega Diagnostics Group PLC e Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH, entre outros.


Obtenha acesso online ao relatório sobre a primeira nuvem de inteligência de mercado do mundo

  • Painel interativo de análise de dados
  • Painel de análise da empresa para oportunidades de elevado potencial de crescimento
  • Acesso de analista de pesquisa para personalização e customização. consultas
  • Análise da concorrência com painel interativo
  • Últimas notícias, atualizações e atualizações Análise de tendências
  • Aproveite o poder da análise de benchmark para um rastreio abrangente da concorrência
Pedido de demonstração


  1. introduction
    3. OVERVIEW of Europe FOOD SAFETY TESTING market
    2. geographical scope
    3. years considered for the study
    4. currency and pricing
    7. Testing Type LIFELINE CURVE
    8. primary interviews with key opinion leaders
    10. vendor share analysis
    11. secondary sourcEs
    12. assumptions
  4. premium insights
  5. market overview
    1. Drivers
      1. Increasing number of foodborne illnesses
      2. Government initiatives on food safety
      3. Automation in food testing labs
      4. Increasing consumer awareness on food safety
      5. Stringent Safety Regulations For Food
    2. Restraints
      1. Lack of infrastructure
      2. Lack of resources
      3. Lack of awareness on food safety policies among food companies
    3. opportunities
      1. High application of preservatives in the food products
      2. Use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) products
      3. Technological advancements in testing market
    4. challenges
      1. Lack of awareness regarding hazardous effects of avoiding food safety tests
      2. High costS associated with purchasing food safety testing items
    1. overview
      1. peanut & Soy
      2. Tree Nuts
      3. Seafood
      4. Milk
      5. Egg
      6. Gluten
      7. Others
    3. Pathogens Testing
      1. Salmonella Spp
      2. E. COLI
      3. Listeria Spp
      4. Listeria
      5. Campylobacter
      6. Vibrio Spp
      7. Others
    4. Heavy Metals Testing
      1. Lead
      2. Arsenic
      3. Cadmium
      4. Mercury
      5. Others
    5. Nutritional Labeling
    6. GMO Testing
      1. Stacked
      2. Insect Resistance
      3. Herbicide Tolerance
    7. Pesticides Testing
      1. Insecticides
      2. Herbicides
      3. Fungicides
      4. Others
    8. Mycotoxins Testing
      1. Aflatoxins
      2. Ochratoxins
      3. Patulin
      4. Fumonisins
      5. Trichothecenes
      6. Deoxynivalenol
      7. Zearalenone
    9. Organic Contaminants Testing
    10. Others
  8. Europe Food Safety Testing Market, BY Technology
    1. overview
    2. Culture Media
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
    3. Polymerase Chain Reaction
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Allergen Testing
      3. GMO Testing
      4. Pesticides Testing
      5. Mycotoxins Testing
      6. Nutritional Labeling
      7. Heavy Metals Testing
      8. Organic Contaminants Testing
      9. Others
    4. Immunoassay
      1. Liquid Chromatography
      2. Gas Chromatography
      3. Column Chromatography
      4. Paper Chromatography
      5. Thin Layer Chromatography
      6. Allergen Testing
      7. Pathogens Testing
      8. Mycotoxins Testing
      9. Heavy Metals Testing
      10. GMO Testing
      11. Nutritional Labeling
      12. Pesticides Testing
      13. Organic Contaminants Testing
      14. Others
    5. Chromatography
      1. Allergen Testing
      2. Pathogens Testing
      3. Mycotoxins Testing
      4. GMO Testing
      5. Nutritional Labeling
      6. Heavy Metals Testing
      7. Pesticides Testing
      8. Organic Contaminants Testing
      9. Others
    6. Biochip/Biosensor
      1. Allergen Testing
      2. Pathogens Testing
      3. Mycotoxins Testing
      4. GMO Testing
      5. Nutritional Labeling
      6. Heavy Metals Testing
      7. Pesticides Testing
      8. Organic Contaminants Testing
      9. Others
    7. Flow Cytometry
      1. Allergen Testing
      2. Pathogens Testing
      3. Mycotoxins Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. GMO Testing
      6. Nutritional Labeling
      7. Pesticides Testing
      8. Organic Contaminants Testing
      9. Others
    8. Microarrays
      1. Allergen Testing
      2. Pathogens Testing
      3. Mycotoxins Testing
      4. GMO Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Nutritional Labeling
      7. Organic Contaminants Testing
      8. Heavy Metals Testing
      9. Others
    9. Others
    1. overview
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
    7. TEA & COFFEE
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
    12. HONEY
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
    15. BABY FOOD
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
    16. TOBACCO
      1. Pathogens Testing
      2. Mycotoxins Testing
      3. Allergen Testing
      4. Heavy Metals Testing
      5. Pesticides Testing
      6. Organic Contaminants Testing
      7. Nutritional Labeling
      8. GMO Testing
      9. Others
    17. OTHERS
  10. Europe Food Safety Testing Market, BY region
    1. Europe
      1. France
      2. Germany
      3. Italy
      4. U.K.
      5. Spain
      6. Netherlands
      7. Poland
      8. Switzerland
      9. Russia
      10. Belgium
      11. Denmark
      12. Sweden
      13. Turkey
      14. Rest of Europe
  11. Europe food safety testing market, COMPANY landscape
    1. company share analysis: Europe
  12. SWOT
    1. SGS SA
    2. Bureau Veritas
    3. Eurofins Scientific
    4. ALS Limited
    6. Cotecna Inspection SA
    8. Intertek Group plc
    9. Mérieux NutriSciences
    11. NSF International
    12. QIMA
    13. Symbio Laboratories
    14. TÜV SÜD
  14. questionnaire
  15. related reports

Lista de Tabela





TABLE 5 EUROPE FOOD SAFETY TESTING MARKET , BY allergen testing TYPE, 2018– 2027 (USD Thousands )

TABLE 6 EUROPE FOOD SAFETY TESTING MARKET , BY pathogens testing TYPE, 2018– 2027 (USD Thousands )


TABLE 8 EUROPE FOOD SAFETY TESTING MARKET , BY GMo testing TYPE, 2018– 2027 (USD Thousands )

TABLE 9 EUROPE FOOD SAFETY TESTING MARKET , BY pesticides testing TYPE, 2018– 2027 (USD Thousands )

TABLE 10 EUROPE FOOD SAFETY TESTING MARKET , BY mycotoxins testing TYPE, 2018– 2027 (USD Thousands )

TABLE 11 Europe Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 12 Europe Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 13 Europe Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 14 Europe Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 15 Europe Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 16 Europe Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 17 Europe Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 18 Europe Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 19 Europe Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 20 EUROPE FOOD SAFETY TESTING MARKET, BY food category, 2018– 2027 (USD Thousand )

TABLE 21 Europe Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 22 Europe Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 23 Europe Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 24 Europe bakery in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 25 Europe Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 26 Europe Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 27 Europe Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 28 Europe Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 29 Europe Fruits & Vegetable in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 30 Europe Milk & Dairy in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 31 Europe Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 32 Europe Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 33 Europe Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 34 Europe Baby Food in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 35 Europe Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 36 Europe Food safety testing market, By COUNTRY, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 37 Europe Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 38 Europe Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 39 Europe Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 40 Europe GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 41 Europe Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 42 Europe Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 43 Europe Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 44 Europe Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 45 Europe Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 46 Europe Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 47 Europe Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 48 Europe Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 49 Europe Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 50 Europe Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 51 Europe Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 52 Europe Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 53 Europe Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 54 Europe Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 55 Europe Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 56 Europe Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 57 Europe Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 58 Europe Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 59 Europe Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 60 Europe Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 61 Europe Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 62 Europe Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 63 Europe Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 64 Europe Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 65 Europe Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 66 Europe Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 67 Europe Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 68 Europe Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 69 France Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 70 France Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 71 France Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 72 France GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 73 France Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 74 France Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 75 France Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 76 France Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 77 France Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 78 France Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 79 France Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 80 France Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 81 France Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 82 France Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 83 France Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 84 France Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 85 France Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 86 France Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 87 France Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 88 France Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 89 France Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 90 France Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 91 France Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 92 France Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 93 France Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 94 France Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 95 France Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 96 France Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 97 France Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 98 France Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 99 France Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 100 France Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 101 Germany Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 102 Germany Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 103 Germany Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 104 Germany GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 105 Germany Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 106 Germany Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 107 Germany Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 108 Germany Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 109 Germany Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 110 Germany Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 111 Germany Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 112 Germany Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 113 Germany Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 114 Germany Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 115 Germany Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 116 Germany Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 117 Germany Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 118 Germany Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 119 Germany Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 120 Germany Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 121 Germany Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 122 Germany Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 123 Germany Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 124 Germany Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 125 Germany Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 126 Germany Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 127 Germany Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 128 Germany Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 129 Germany Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 130 Germany Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 131 Germany Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 132 Germany Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 133 Italy Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 134 Italy Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 135 Italy Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 136 Italy GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 137 Italy Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 138 Italy Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 139 Italy Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 140 Italy Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 141 Italy Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 142 Italy Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 143 Italy Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 144 Italy Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 145 Italy Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 146 Italy Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 147 Italy Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 148 Italy Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 149 Italy Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 150 Italy Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 151 Italy Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 152 Italy Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 153 Italy Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 154 Italy Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 155 Italy Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 156 Italy Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 157 Italy Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 158 Italy Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 159 Italy Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 160 Italy Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 161 Italy Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 162 Italy Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 163 Italy Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 164 Italy Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 165 U.K. Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 166 U.K. Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 167 U.K. Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 168 U.K. GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 169 U.K. Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 170 U.K. Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 171 U.K. Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 172 U.K. Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 173 U.K. Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 174 U.K. Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 175 U.K. Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 176 U.K. Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 177 U.K. Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 178 U.K. Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 179 U.K. Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 180 U.K. Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 181 U.K. Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 182 U.K. Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 183 U.K. Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 184 U.K. Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 185 U.K. Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 186 U.K. Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 187 U.K. Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 188 U.K. Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 189 U.K. Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 190 U.K. Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 191 U.K. Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 192 U.K. Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 193 U.K. Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 194 U.K. Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 195 U.K. Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 196 U.K. Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 197 Spain Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 198 Spain Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 199 Spain Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 200 Spain GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 201 Spain Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 202 Spain Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 203 Spain Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 204 Spain Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 205 Spain Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 206 Spain Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 207 Spain Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 208 Spain Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 209 Spain Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 210 Spain Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 211 Spain Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 212 Spain Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 213 Spain Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 214 Spain Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 215 Spain Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 216 Spain Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 217 Spain Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 218 Spain Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 219 Spain Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 220 Spain Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 221 Spain Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 222 Spain Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 223 Spain Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 224 Spain Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 225 Spain Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 226 Spain Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 227 Spain Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 228 Spain Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 229 Netherlands Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 230 Netherlands Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 231 Netherlands Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 232 Netherlands GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 233 Netherlands Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 234 Netherlands Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 235 Netherlands Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 236 Netherlands Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 237 Netherlands Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 238 Netherlands Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 239 Netherlands Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 240 Netherlands Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 241 Netherlands Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 242 Netherlands Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 243 Netherlands Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 244 Netherlands Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 245 Netherlands Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 246 Netherlands Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 247 Netherlands Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 248 Netherlands Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 249 Netherlands Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 250 Netherlands Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 251 Netherlands Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 252 Netherlands Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 253 Netherlands Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 254 Netherlands Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 255 Netherlands Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 256 Netherlands Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 257 Netherlands Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 258 Netherlands Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 259 Netherlands Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 260 Netherlands Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 261 Poland Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 262 Poland Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 263 Poland Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 264 Poland GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 265 Poland Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 266 Poland Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 267 Poland Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 268 Poland Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 269 Poland Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 270 Poland Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 271 Poland Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 272 Poland Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 273 Poland Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 274 Poland Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 275 Poland Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 276 Poland Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 277 Poland Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 278 Poland Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 279 Poland Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 280 Poland Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 281 Poland Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 282 Poland Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 283 Poland Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 284 Poland Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 285 Poland Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 286 Poland Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 287 Poland Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 288 Poland Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 289 Poland Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 290 Poland Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 291 Poland Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 292 Poland Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 293 Switzerland Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 294 Switzerland Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 295 Switzerland Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 296 Switzerland GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 297 Switzerland Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 298 Switzerland Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 299 Switzerland Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 300 Switzerland Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 301 Switzerland Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 302 Switzerland Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 303 Switzerland Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 304 Switzerland Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 305 Switzerland Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 306 Switzerland Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 307 Switzerland Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 308 Switzerland Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 309 Switzerland Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 310 Switzerland Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 311 Switzerland Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 312 Switzerland Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 313 Switzerland Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 314 Switzerland Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 315 Switzerland Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 316 Switzerland Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 317 Switzerland Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 318 Switzerland Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 319 Switzerland Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 320 Switzerland Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 321 Switzerland Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 322 Switzerland Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 323 Switzerland Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 324 Switzerland Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 325 Russia Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 326 Russia Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 327 Russia Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 328 Russia GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 329 Russia Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 330 Russia Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 331 Russia Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 332 Russia Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 333 Russia Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 334 Russia Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 335 Russia Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 336 Russia Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 337 Russia Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 338 Russia Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 339 Russia Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 340 Russia Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 341 Russia Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 342 Russia Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 343 Russia Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 344 Russia Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 345 Russia Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 346 Russia Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 347 Russia Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 348 Russia Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 349 Russia Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 350 Russia Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 351 Russia Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 352 Russia Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 353 Russia Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 354 Russia Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 355 Russia Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 356 Russia Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 357 Belgium Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 358 Belgium Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 359 Belgium Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 360 Belgium GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 361 Belgium Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 362 Belgium Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 363 Belgium Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 364 Belgium Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 365 Belgium Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 366 Belgium Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 367 Belgium Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 368 Belgium Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 369 Belgium Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 370 Belgium Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 371 Belgium Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 372 Belgium Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 373 Belgium Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 374 Belgium Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 375 Belgium Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 376 Belgium Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 377 Belgium Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 378 Belgium Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 379 Belgium Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 380 Belgium Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 381 Belgium Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 382 Belgium Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 383 Belgium Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 384 Belgium Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 385 Belgium Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 386 Belgium Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 387 Belgium Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 388 Belgium Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 389 Denmark Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 390 Denmark Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 391 Denmark Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 392 Denmark GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 393 Denmark Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 394 Denmark Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 395 Denmark Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 396 Denmark Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 397 Denmark Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 398 Denmark Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 399 Denmark Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 400 Denmark Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 401 Denmark Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 402 Denmark Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 403 Denmark Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 404 Denmark Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 405 Denmark Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 406 Denmark Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 407 Denmark Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 408 Denmark Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 409 Denmark Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 410 Denmark Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 411 Denmark Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 412 Denmark Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 413 Denmark Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 414 Denmark Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 415 Denmark Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 416 Denmark Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 417 Denmark Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 418 Denmark Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 419 Denmark Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 420 Denmark Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 421 Sweden Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 422 Sweden Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 423 Sweden Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 424 Sweden GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 425 Sweden Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 426 Sweden Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 427 Sweden Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 428 Sweden Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 429 Sweden Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 430 Sweden Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 431 Sweden Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 432 Sweden Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 433 Sweden Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 434 Sweden Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 435 Sweden Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 436 Sweden Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 437 Sweden Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 438 Sweden Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 439 Sweden Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 440 Sweden Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 441 Sweden Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 442 Sweden Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 443 Sweden Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 444 Sweden Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 445 Sweden Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 446 Sweden Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 447 Sweden Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 448 Sweden Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 449 Sweden Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 450 Sweden Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 451 Sweden Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 452 Sweden Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 453 Turkey Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 454 Turkey Allergen Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 455 Turkey Pathogens Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 456 Turkey GMO Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 457 Turkey Mycotoxins Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 458 Turkey Heavy Metals Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 459 Turkey Pesticides Testing in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 460 Turkey Food Safety Testing Market, By Technology, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 461 Turkey Culture Media in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 462 Turkey Polymerase Chain Reaction in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 463 Turkey Immunoassay in Food Safety Testing Market, By Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 464 Turkey Chromatography in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 465 Turkey Biochip/Biosensor in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 466 Turkey Microarrays in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 467 Turkey Flow Cytometry in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 468 Turkey Food Safety Testing Market, By Food Categories, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 469 Turkey Meat & Meat Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 470 Turkey Egg & Poultry Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 471 Turkey Fish And Seafood in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 472 Turkey Bakery Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 473 Turkey Cereals, Grains & Pulses in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 474 Turkey Tea & Coffee in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 475 Turkey Herbs & Spices in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 476 Turkey Beverages in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 477 Turkey Fruits & Vegetables in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 478 Turkey Milk & Dairy Products in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 479 Turkey Honey in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 480 Turkey Nuts And Dried Fruits in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 481 Turkey Convenience Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 482 Turkey Baby Foods in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 483 Turkey Tobacco in Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

TABLE 484 Rest of Europe Food Safety Testing Market, By Testing Type, 2018-2027 (USD Thousands)

Lista de Figura

FIGURE 1 Europe food safety testing MARKET: segmentation


FIGURE 3 Europe food safety testing market : DROC ANALYSIS






FIGURE 9 Europe food safety testing market : SEGMENTATION


FIGURE 11 Allergen testing segment is expected to account for the largest share of the Europe food safety testing market in 2020 & 2027


FIGURE 13 Europe areas of production of GM crops


FIGURE 15 Europe food safety testing market: By technology, 2019


FIGURE 17 Europe Food safety testing market: SNAPSHOT (2019)

FIGURE 18 Europe Food safety testing market: BY COUNTRY (2019)

FIGURE 19 Europe Food safety testing market: BY COUNTRY (2020 & 2027)

FIGURE 20 Europe Food safety testing market: BY COUNTRY (2019 & 2027)

FIGURE 21 Europe Food safety testing market: BY testing TYPE (2020-2027)

FIGURE 22 Europe food safety testing market: company share 2019 (%)

View Detailed Information Right Arrow

Metodologia de Investigação

A recolha de dados e a análise do ano base são feitas através de módulos de recolha de dados com amostras grandes. A etapa inclui a obtenção de informações de mercado ou dados relacionados através de diversas fontes e estratégias. Inclui examinar e planear antecipadamente todos os dados adquiridos no passado. Da mesma forma, envolve o exame de inconsistências de informação observadas em diferentes fontes de informação. Os dados de mercado são analisados ​​e estimados utilizando modelos estatísticos e coerentes de mercado. Além disso, a análise da quota de mercado e a análise das principais tendências são os principais fatores de sucesso no relatório de mercado. Para saber mais, solicite uma chamada de analista ou abra a sua consulta.

A principal metodologia de investigação utilizada pela equipa de investigação do DBMR é a triangulação de dados que envolve a mineração de dados, a análise do impacto das variáveis ​​de dados no mercado e a validação primária (especialista do setor). Os modelos de dados incluem grelha de posicionamento de fornecedores, análise da linha de tempo do mercado, visão geral e guia de mercado, grelha de posicionamento da empresa, análise de patentes, análise de preços, análise da quota de mercado da empresa, normas de medição, análise global versus regional e de participação dos fornecedores. Para saber mais sobre a metodologia de investigação, faça uma consulta para falar com os nossos especialistas do setor.

Personalização disponível

A Data Bridge Market Research é líder em investigação formativa avançada. Orgulhamo-nos de servir os nossos clientes novos e existentes com dados e análises que correspondem e atendem aos seus objetivos. O relatório pode ser personalizado para incluir análise de tendências de preços de marcas-alvo, compreensão do mercado para países adicionais (solicite a lista de países), dados de resultados de ensaios clínicos, revisão de literatura, mercado remodelado e análise de base de produtos . A análise de mercado dos concorrentes-alvo pode ser analisada desde análises baseadas em tecnologia até estratégias de carteira de mercado. Podemos adicionar quantos concorrentes necessitar de dados no formato e estilo de dados que procura. A nossa equipa de analistas também pode fornecer dados em tabelas dinâmicas de ficheiros Excel em bruto (livro de factos) ou pode ajudá-lo a criar apresentações a partir dos conjuntos de dados disponíveis no relatório.

Perguntas frequentes

The Europe Food Safety Testing Market will be worth USD 14,883.71 million in the forecast period by 2030.
The Europe Food Safety Testing Market growth rate is 7.2% during the forecast period.
Increase in the number of food-borne illness cases, Increase in consumer awareness regarding food safety and Increase in the number of food product recalls are the growth drivers of the Europe Food Safety Testing Market.
The testing type, type of tests, site and application are the factors on which the Europe Food Safety Testing Market research is based.
Major companies in the Europe Food Safety Testing Market are Eurofins Scientific, Shimadzu Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., PerkinElmer Inc., FOSS, ALS, LexaGene, ROKA BIO SCIENCE, Biorex Food Diagnostics (BFD), Randox Food Diagnostics, Omega Diagnostics Group PLC, Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, 3M, Clear Labs, Inc., Invisible Sentinel, Ring Biotechnology Co Ltd., BIOMÉRIEUX SA, Agilent Technologies, Inc., NEOGEN Corporation, Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd. and Noack Group.