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A Promising Step Forward for an Improved Design of Electronic Material:

  • Uncategorized
  • May 25, 2021

A scientist has successfully demonstrated the role which is actively played by the molecular vibration and how these vibrations are causing a movement in a particular object. The scientist discovers that how vibrations on electron conductivity on the crystal are affected. The finding is much important for applications of those molecular materials which are electronic and these materials can store a lot of memory as there is enough space for information storage. The goal of the professor is to make the best material for tomorrow’s electronics and finding it with help of his team and researchers. Emanuele Orgiu, a professor at National De La Recherché Scientifique is interested in many materials but some are his favorite such as molecules that can conduct electricity. His vision is to change the current scenario and make a better future. He was successfully able to demonstrate the role of molecular vibrations on electron conductivity on crystals of such materials. Conductivity is a process in which we can see a lot of potential and possibilities.

Scientists were highly interested in understanding the relationship between the physical state of an object versus the structure of that material and its ability to conduct electricity. The relationship is an answer to many problems and scientists wanted to know if they both are affected by each other or not. Crystals, which are formed by a collection of molecules, were able to measure the speed of propagation of electrons and how these electrons show a movement if that movement is unidirectional or multi-directional.

In the study, the authors try to compare two things to get the most efficient result, that too, with problems and glitches.  The authors compared two perylene diimide derivatives which are considered semiconducting molecules of interest because of their use on flexible devices, smart clothes, or foldable electronics. When deeply observed, it was seen that these two compounds are a lot different from each other but their similarities is their structure. They have similar chemical structure but different conduction properties.