
Nov, 28 2022


Cosmetic surgeries are gaining attraction all around the globe now. In simple terms, cosmetic surgeries are the surgeries of appearance, meaning cosmetic surgeries are elective surgeries that improve the aesthetic and appearance of the body. Cosmetic surgeries, which were earlier only popular in western countries, have gained popularity in developing economies. In 2020, the U.S. ranked in the top position for carrying out the highest number of cosmetic procedures. The figure was 1.6 million cosmetic procedures in 1997, which more than doubled in 2020, thereby reaching 5.5 million cosmetic procedures. Brazil was the second country in 2020 to register the highest cosmetic procedures.

Fig.1: Countries with the highest number of cosmetic procedures in 2020


Source: Statista

The figure above depicts top 10 countries with the highest number of cosmetic procedures in 2020. India, too grabbed a position in this. This is because of the growing awareness about cosmetic surgeries, the risks involved, rising personal disposable income and the growing rate of globalization. Cosmetic surgeries in these countries are popular among those who wish to enhance their bodily features via surgical and non-surgical methods.

Data Bridge Market research prepared a detailed and investigated report on the Global Cosmetic Surgery and Services Market. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the global cosmetic surgery and services market will grow at a CAGR of 8.5% in the forecast period of 2022-2029. The global cosmetic surgery and services market is segmented on the basis of type, application, product segment, services and end-user.

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Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are two entirely different concepts. Normal individuals use the two terms interchangeably; however, the two are poles apart. Cosmetic surgeries are related to improving the appearance and bodily features, such as liposuction and breast augmentation. At the same time, plastic surgeries are the surgeries intended to correct the dysfunctional areas of the body such as burns and traumas.



The cosmetic surgeon's purpose is to improve a patient's appearance visually. Thus, the treatments, methods, and techniques focused on that goal. The goal is to improve the proportion, aesthetic attractiveness, and symmetry of the bodily component being operated on.

A plastic surgeon aims to restore facial and body flaws caused by birth, burns, infections, and trauma.


Plastic surgeries play an essential role in correcting faults and repairing the body part being operated on to give it a natural appearance while restoring normal function.

Cosmetic surgery includes breast augmentation, body contouring, facial rejuvenation, and skin rejuvenation.

Plastic surgery procedure includes: burn repair surgery, hand surgery, repair of congenital and extremity defects, reconstruction of lower extremities, and scar revision.

A post-residency fellowship including at least 300 cosmetic surgery cases is required for certification in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgeons qualified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery must spend 5 to 8 years in residency and fellowship programs. However, they do receive thorough training in all aspects of cosmetic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic therapies.

Only after completing the residency programs can a plastic surgeon be board-certified. It's worth noting that while a plastic surgery residency program includes cosmetic and aesthetic surgery, it's only one part of the surgeon's education. This implies that it does not cover all types of cosmetic procedures.

Though plastic and cosmetic surgeries are performed to improve the patient's body, their philosophies, goals, training, and end results define the difference between them. Both involve the use of distinct set op procedures, guided by their specific goals. Cosmetic surgeries include applying both surgical and non-surgical procedures to improve the structure and appearance of the body and boost confidence. A wide range of options are available pertaining to cosmetic surgeries in both men and women. These are discussed in detail as below:

Fig.2: Types of cosmetic surgeries



Cosmetic surgeries associated with the breast area in women are used to decrease or increase the size of breasts, enhance them reconstruct them, enlarge them or remove them. Common breast cosmetic procedures are:

  • Breast Reconstruction- Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that patients undergo, particularly women who have had a surgical operation to remove breast cancer. Breast reconstruction in such patients helps revive the look and shape of the breasts in women post breast cancer surgical removal procedure. The goal is to reconstruct a natural-looking breast utilizing autologous tissue, artificial implants, or a combination of both. Capsular contracture, which happens when the scar or capsule around the implant begins to tighten, is the most common complication after breast implant reconstruction surgery. Capsular contracture affects the look and firmness of the breast reconstruction and causes pain. This consequence can occasionally be severe enough to necessitate a second operation. Breast reconstruction does not enhance the risk of breast cancer recurrence, making cancer recurrence monitoring more difficult. Other common risks and complications involved in breast reconstruction are infection, fluid collection, bleeding, delayed healing and anesthesia problems. It must be noted that the risks and complications are not only restricted to these mentioned ones.
  • Breast Reduction in Men with Gynecomastia- Gynecomastia is the condition of overdevelopment of breasts in men. The glandular tissue of the breast swells and forms a breast bud, also known as an enlarged breast in case of too much estrogen (female hormone) production in men or too little testosterone (male hormone). Some other cause of developing gynecomastia are intake of steroids such as prednisone or dexamethasone, consumption of medicines to treat ulcers and epilepsy such as cimetidine or phenytoin, chemotherapy drugs, antiandrogen drugs such as flutamide, cyproterone, and spironolactone and antidepressant or antianxiety drugs such as diazepam [Valium] and tricyclic antidepressants. Men and boys with gynecomastia may find that their breasts feel rubbery or stiff, in addition to having enlarged breasts. Boys may have a breast bud the size of a coin or quarter on one or both sides. During puberty, adolescent boys frequently develop breast buds. They can last up to two years, but they usually disappear after the first year. A physical exam and medical history are usually enough to diagnose gynecomastia. In the vast majority of cases, testing is unnecessary. A biopsy may be performed to rule out other diseases if the breast lump is huge, one-sided, tender, or hard and fixed. Gynecomastia in children and adolescents usually does not require treatment and resolves independently. If gynecomastia is caused by medication or disease, discontinuing the medication or addressing the ailment will usually cure it. Hormonal treatment may be administered if it is caused by a deficiency of testosterone and an increase in estrogen. If alternative therapies have failed, surgery may be an option for some men.
  • Breast Augmentation- Popularly known as, "Boob Job" or "Breast Aug" among the patients, breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure involving breast implants to fill up the sagging breasts and lift them. In other words, breast augmentation helps to increase the size of breasts in women. This operation can also help to restore breast volume lost due to weight loss or pregnancy, correct natural breast size asymmetry, and achieve a more rounded breast shape. Augmentation mammoplasty is another name for breast augmentation. Fat transfer breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves using fat from another part of the patient's body to increase breast volume. Breast augmentation provides benefits such as enhancing self-image and self-confidence, improving the balance of breast contours, and increasing the breasts' projection and fullness.
  • Breast Implant Revision- The purpose of breast implant revision surgery is to replace existing breast implants with fresh implants. While updating the implant material, the goal is frequently to change or improve the appearance of the breasts. Breast implants and the surrounding breast tissue might alter form or size over time, giving the breast an appearance or feel that is less desired than the original result. Furthermore, while many breast implants have a lifetime warranty on the implant device, the costs of having surgery to repair the implants are no longer covered after ten years. As a result, many women will choose to replace or upgrade their breast implants after ten years or so. Other reasons to undergo breast implant revision are: desire to change the size of the breasts, concerns regarding rupture or migration of implants, pain resulting from capsular contracture, and desire to change from saline to silicone material of the implant.

According to the Data Bridge Market Research, the global breast implants market is expected to witness market growth of 8.5% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period of 2021 to 2028 due to the surge in disposable income in developing countries and rising awareness about cosmetic surgeries.

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The growing prevalence of obesity in both men and women is a rising concern. Overweight and obesity fall as a root cause for inviting numerous diseases to and in the body. Obesity results in affecting the physical and emotional health of individuals. Cosmetic surgeries are, therefore, an answer to this problem in the form of:

  • Liposuction- Also referred to as," Lipo" by the patients, liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reduces the patients' body size by removing the excess and unwanted fat in the body using a suction process. Liposuction provides faster recovery of body contours by slimming and reshaping the body. Liposuction is used to treat the body areas such as the abdomen, ankles, buttocks, arms, cheeks, chin, waist, neck, hips, knees, calves, and thigs. However, liposuction is not a solution to obesity. In other words, liposuction is neither an obesity treatment nor a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise routine. It's also ineffective for cellulite, which appears as dimpled skin on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and loose drooping skin. Liposuction is commonly performed on women's chins, hips, thighs, stomachs, and underarm and breast areas. The outer thighs are the most often treated areas in women, followed by the stomach. Liposuction is most commonly performed on men under the chin and around the waist, or to reduce big male breasts (gynecomastia). The waist area, sometimes known as "love handles," is the most commonly treated area in men.
  • Non-surgical Fat Reduction- Non-surgical fat reduction is a procedure that involves the application of technology to heat, cool and inject medicines to reduce the number of fat cells in the body. While none of these therapies are a substitute for liposuction, they do provide alternatives for individuals who do not want or cannot have surgery. Ultrasound, radio frequency, infrared light, suction massage, and injectable medicine are some of the non-surgical fat reduction alternatives. Cryolipolysis, injectable lipolysis, radiofrequency lipolysis, and laser lipolysis are all non-surgical fat removal techniques. Any of the aforementioned treatments should be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding patients.


Body lift cosmetic procedure improves the shape and tone of the body by removing the excess skin tissue and underlying fat. Poor tissue elasticity results in excess sagging of the skin. Body lift cosmetic procedures involve:

  • Arm Lift- Also known as" Branchioplasty", arm lift reshapes the arm by removing the excess fat in the upper arm and underarm portion to the elbow. Arm lift smoothens and tightens the underlying supportive tissue, thereby defining the shape of the arm. The arm lift surgery eliminates fat pockets in the upper arm region. Weight fluctuations, aging, and heredity can all contribute to the appearance of drooping, sagging upper arms. This is a condition that will not improve with exercise. If the underside of your upper arms is sagging or seems loose and full owing to extra skin and fat, arm lift surgery may be correct for you.
  • Thigh Lift- Thigh lift surgery molds the thighs and lower body by removing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned outlines. A surgical thigh lift may be ideal for the patient if the fitness and weight-loss efforts have not resulted in a firmer body, more youthful-looking, and more proportionate to the total body image. Thigh lifts aren't just for getting rid of fat on your thighs. Liposuction alone can eliminate unwanted fat deposits where the skin has good flexibility and can naturally adjust to new body features. A thigh lift combined with liposuction may be advised when skin elasticity is inadequate.
  • Body Contouring- Body contouring aids in eliminating or removing excess skin following significant weight loss. This procedure enhances underlying tissue tone while also eliminating extra fat and skin. There are numerous advantages to rapid weight loss. However, with any significant weight loss, whether by surgery or lifestyle changes, the skin and tissues frequently lack the flexibility to adjust to the smaller body size. Following considerable weight loss, surgical body contouring removes unwanted sagging skin and fat while enhancing the shape of the underlying support tissue. The end result is a more balanced look with softer outlines.
  • Buttock Enhancement- Buttock enhancement/ augmentation increases the buttocks' contour, size, and shape. A buttock lift improves the tone of the underlying tissue of the buttocks. Buttock implants, fat grafting, or a mix of the two are used to accomplish this. Buttock implants are silicone-filled implants surgically implanted deep within the buttock tissues. Buttock augmentation by fat grafting transfers fat from one part of the body to the tissues of the buttocks. A Brazilian butt lift is another name for this technique. In short, buttock enhancement improves the balance of the figure, increases the buttocks' fullness and roundness, and improves the projection of butt.
  • Mommy Makeover- Mommy makeover is a surgical procedure that moms undergo to improve their body shape, size, and contour post childbearing and delivery. Mommy makeover addresses bodily areas such as breasts, waist, buttocks, abdomen and genitalia. It may take many months for the ultimate results of mommy makeover surgery to become apparent. The implants will settle with time, and the scar lines will improve, but they will never fully disappear. There are drawbacks, but most women consider them minor in comparison to the significant increase in their self-confidence following surgery.


Face and neck cosmetic procedures are gaining attraction all around the globe now. Models, actresses and celebrities are increasingly undergoing face and neck cosmetic procedures. Common types of face and neck cosmetic procedures are:

  • Brow Lift- A brow lift, also called a forehead lift, minimizes wrinkles, and restores the youthful posture of the brows. A brow lift improves frown lines, the vertical creases that form between the brows, elevates sagging brows that veil the upper eyelids, and positions the eyebrows more alert and youthful.
  • Neck Lift- A neck lift, also known as a lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical surgery that improves the jawline and neck's obvious indications of aging. Heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, and stress can all play a role in losing young features in the face and neck. Because the upper face is still attractive, some people believe they are not ready for a full facelift. Many patients, however, will see excessive neck skin wrinkles, a double chin or "turkey wattle," and jowl lines. A neck lift may be a helpful remedy if the neck area does not complement the upper facial appearance.
  • Thread Lift- Thread lift is a minimally invasive surgical procedure called a "lunchtime lift". Thread lift offers a tighter and more youthful appearance to the face and neck using absorbable and barbed sutures. This procedure stimulates collagen production in the skin to produce healthier and tighter skin.
  • Facelift Surgery- A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical operation that improves the appearance of wrinkles in the face and neck. A brow lift and eyelid surgery to revitalize aged eyes are two other operations that may be performed in conjunction with a facelift. To replace the lost fatty volume, fat transfer or fillers may be recommended. Dermabrasion, peels, and laser treatments can be used to improve the quality and texture of the skin.
  • Ear Surgery- Also known as otoplasty, ear cosmetic surgery improves the shape of the ear along with its position and proportion. Ear surgery can correct the defect of ear structure. Otoplasty gives the ears and face a more natural form while restoring balance and proportion. Even small malformations can significantly impact one's appearance and self-esteem.
  • Chin surgery- Chin surgery, also known as genioplasty or mentoplasty, involves reshaping the chin with an implant or bone reduction operation. Chin augmentation surgery is commonly used to correct an underdeveloped chin. This is usually performed by placing an implant directly into the bone. A tiny incision is made inside the lips or behind the chin skin. Sutures are used to close the incision once the implant has been implanted.
  • Eyelid Surgery- Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical operation that improves the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. The upper lids, lower lids, or both can be operated on. Eyelid surgery can revitalize the area around the eyes, whether one wishes to improve the appearance or have functional concerns with the eyelids.
  • Cheek Augmentation- Cheek augmentation aims to give the cheeks more volume or lift. Some people are worried about their cheeks sagging or losing volume as they become older. Others never develop the volume in their cheeks they desire, and are troubled by flat or thin cheeks. Fat grafting/transfer (using a patient's fat) and solid cheek implants are both viable surgical treatments for augmenting and improving the cheeks. Injectable fillers, which are discussed on the dermal fillers page, are a non-surgical approach for enhancing the cheeks.
  • Buccal Fat Removal- Buccal fat reduction is used to slim the cheeks, particularly in the hollows of the cheeks. Although a naturally soft and filled-out face is considered youthful, some people believe that theirs is overly full, even obese. The buccal fat pad, a naturally occurring pad of fat in the hollow cheek area, is removed during a buccal fat removal. Each patient's buccal fat pad is varied in size, and the buccal fat pad in each cheek may be different sizes. Buccal fat pad extraction surgery is usually avoided in people with thin, narrow faces since removing the fat might make a face appear haggard as they become older.
  • Facial Implants- Facial implants cover everything on the face, including cheeks, jaws and chin. Facial implants are used to enhance facial features and improve their appearance and these implants are compatible with the human tissues.
  • Rhinoplasty- Rhinoplasty improves face harmony and proportions and is commonly referred to as a "nose job" or "nose contouring" by patients. It can also help with breathing problems caused by structural issues with the nose. The nasal structure as it relates to airflow and breathing must be carefully evaluated during nose surgery to improve an obstructed airway. The nasal structure is adjusted to generate better alignment to correct a deviated septum, one of the most common reasons of breathing difficulties.


Aesthetic genital surgery is a highly preferred cosmetic procedure among youngsters and adults. Some common types of aesthetic genital surgeries are:

  • Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery- Aesthetic genital plastic surgery methods can improve look and alleviate discomfort. Labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, labia majoraplasty, monsplasty, and vaginoplasty are some of the operations available. Female genital cosmetic surgery, vaginal rejuvenation, female genital rejuvenation surgery, vulvovaginal plastic surgery, and designer vagina surgery are used by patients. Labiaplasty is a surgical technique that lowers the length of the labia minora. It is the most generally performed aesthetic genital plastic surgery, and it can help women with symptoms such as labia twisting and tugging. A labia majoraplasty is a surgical technique that reduces the size of the hair-bearing labia majora. With a clitoral hood reduction, excess folds of the clitoral hood, or prepuce, can be removed. When the labia minora are decreased, the excess folds can generate a bulge that is accentuated, and a clitoral hood reduction can improve the appearance of the female genitalia. A monsplasty is a treatment that is used to minimize mons bulge. Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a vaginal tightening treatment. Noninvasive vaginal tightening can be achieved by heating tissues with radiofrequency waves or a laser. Patients with considerable laxity may not benefit from these treatments and may be better candidates for vaginoplasty, which is a surgical tightening procedure.
  • Non-surgical Aesthetic Genital Procedures- Aesthetic genital procedures are non-surgical operations that can assist a woman's genital alterations induced by pregnancy, hormone changes, and/or aging. Changes in genitalia can occur as a result of pregnancy, hormonal changes, and aging in women. Vaginal laxity, stress urine incontinence, loss of vaginal lubrication, a decrease in the sexual experience, and loss of labia majora tone are all factors that might affect a woman's quality of life. Radiofrequency or laser light is used to tighten collagen in devices designed to treat some or all of these alterations. Fillers are occasionally injected into the clitoris and/or "G-spot."


Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures are gaining popularity as well. Some of the common minimally invasive specific surgeries are:

  • Botulinum Toxin- Botulinum toxin in its cosmetic version, also known as "Botox," is a popular injection that temporarily reduces or removes small facial lines and wrinkles. The most typically treated locations are frown lines, forehead creases, and crow's feet near the eyes. Strong neckbands, thick jaw muscles, lip wrinkles, and gummy smiles are among the other addressed locations. Botulinum toxin is a bacterial toxin that has been purified. Botulinum toxin injections stop nerve signals from reaching the muscle that was injected. The muscle is unable to contract without a signal. As a result, unsightly face wrinkles or looks are reduced. Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau are some of the most well-known botulinum toxin type A injections.
  • Dermabrasion- Dermabrasion is a procedure that uses controlled surgical scraping to give the skin a smoother appearance. It is most typically used to treat facial scars and wrinkles. Dermabrasion is most commonly used to smooth out fine face wrinkles and improve the appearance of facial skin injured by accidents or previous surgery. It's also sometimes used to eliminate keratoses, which are precancerous growths. Deep acne scars are also routinely treated with dermaplaning.
  • Laser Hair Removal- Laser hair removal is a non-invasive procedure that uses an intensely focused laser to penetrate hair follicles and prevent future hair growth. It should be noted that laser hair removal is not a solution to complete hair removal. It only reduces the number of unwanted hair in a given area.
  • Spider Vein Treatment- Injection of a solution into each damaged vein causes the vein to collapse and fade over time, which is the most typical spider vein treatment. Spider veins can be reduced using effective, safe, and relatively painless procedures. A solution is injected into each afflicted vein, causing the vein to collapse and fade. Spider veins can also be reduced or eliminated with laser treatments.
  • Chemical Peel- A chemical peel smoothens the skin's texture by eliminating the damaged outer layers using a chemical solution. Chemical peels are most commonly used on the face, although they can also be used on the neck and hands to enhance the skin. Skin tone can become uneven, wrinkled, spotted, or scarred due to sun exposure, acne, or simply growing older. One of the most cost-effective ways to improve the appearance of your skin is with a chemical peel. The outcome of a chemical peel is determined by the chemical and technique used.
  • Dermal Fillers- Injectable dermal fillers can boost thin lips, improve the appearance of scars, smooth shallow features, soften facial creases, and eliminate wrinkles. The faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat as people age. Smile lines and crow's feet become increasingly visible as the facial muscles operate closer to the skin surface. The facial skin stretches a little, which contributes to the loss of facial volume. Sun exposure, heredity, and lifestyle are among the variables that affect facial skin.
  • Skin Rejuvenation and Resurfacing- Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation can be accomplished in various ways, including laser and light treatments, chemical peels, and injectables. Fine lines and wrinkles on the entire face and those that develop in specific areas of the face, such as the upper lip and around the eyes, can be improved using laser resurfacing, mechanical resurfacing, chemical peels, and injectable treatments. These treatments can also be used to treat pigmentation issues such as sun and age spots and acne scars and other skin conditions.
  • Tattoo Removal- Tattoo removal can be accomplished by various methods, including laser treatments, chemical peels, dermabrasion, and surgical excision. Tattoos are made up of hundreds of tattoo ink particles floating on the skin. The human immune system normally removes small foreign particles from the skin. Tattoo ink particles are too large for this method to erase; hence they are deemed permanent.

Fig.3: Top 10 surgical cosmetic procedures worldwide (2020)


Source: Statista

Breast augmentation, liposuction, and eyelid surgery were the most prevalent surgical cosmetic operations worldwide. Over 1.6 million breast augmentation surgeries are expected to be performed in 2020. Botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, and hair removal are the most frequent non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic procedures vary tremendously in popularity and accessibility from country to country.

Fig.4: Top surgical cosmetic procedures undergone by women in U.S. (2021)


Source: Statista

In the United States, about 458 thousand liposuctions were performed on women in 2021. The five most popular surgical cosmetic operations among women in the United States in 2021 are depicted in this graph.

Fig.5: Top surgical cosmetic procedures undergone by men in U.S. (2021)


Source: Statista

In the United States, roughly 31 thousand lipoplasty procedures (liposuctions) were performed on males in 2021. In 2021, these are the top five surgical cosmetic treatments performed on men in the United States.

Data Bridge Market Research conducted detailed research on the North America Liposuction Devices Market. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the North America liposuction devices market is set to grow at a CAGR of 10.10% in the forecast period of 2021-2028. Technological advancement in liposuction devices and emerging new markets will further provide beneficial opportunities for the market growth.

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