
Electric vehicles (EVs) are gradually becoming the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation as the auto industry advances rapidly. Both electrical engineering and software development helps in creating exquisite exteriors and robust cells. Software for designing electric cars is useful for assessing vehicle performance and identifying design flaws in BEVs. Comfort, safety, and value are all increased by embedded software in electric vehicles. Most significantly, software for electric cars aids in overcoming the primary drawbacks of BEVs. Software systems assist with vehicle management as electric automobiles require unique upkeep. Battery management technologies make it possible to maintain the batteries in electric cars, and smart routing solves the range issue. It seems clear that the autonomous and connected future will only be advantageous for electric automobiles.

The development of power electronics for EV motor controllers is essential as long as electric cars continue to rule the automotive scene. Motor controllers have evolved greatly from their simple origins to complex and intelligent control systems. Thus, the development of motor controllers for electric vehicles is a reflection of the remarkable strides made in the field of electric vehicles. The electric revolution is powered by these gadgets, which are guiding us towards a more sustainable and clean future. Moreover, additional breakthroughs can be anticipated in the near future, owing to the ongoing developments in power electronics and software intelligence.

Client Challenges

The client is a manufacturer of automotive components and wanted to enter into the power electronic market for which they needed an analysis on the overall market scenario.  Following are the requirements asked by the client:

Key factors affecting the adoption of power electronics

Regulatory requirements and standards on country level

Market size in terms of USD and units considering FY 2020-2031 along with growth rate

Pricing analysis of top products and model preferred by automotive software customers

Company comparative analysis of both leading players and market disruptors

Current and future technological trends

System integrator's details for small countries

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